Waldo County 4-H Newsletter – August 2020
Upcoming Dates
08/15-09/15: Virtual Fun Run
County News
COVID-19 Update
Given the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation in Maine, UMaine Extension is cancelling all 4-H club meetings and events until further notice (no matter what size group). University of Maine Cooperative Extension buildings are CLOSED in an effort to ensure the health and safety of the community, and to help stem the spread of the coronavirus. However, please note that UMaine Extension is operating and staff are working remotely from their offices and are planning to re-open sometime in August. To contact the Waldo County 4-H program staff, please call 207.342.5971 or email sadee.mehuren@maine.edu.
We encourage all 4-H clubs to get together virtually. For assistance planning and conducting a virtual 4-H meeting please reach out to Waldo County 4-H staff.
Waldo County 4-H Weekly Learn at Home Activities
Waldo County 4-H staff will be posting weekly learn at home 4-H activities on our Facebook (@Waldo4h) and our website at extension.umaine.edu/waldo/4h/activities. Be sure to check them out and let us know if you do them by posting images of the activity on your social media and using the #Maine4H and #Inspirekidstodo. New activities are posted every Friday!
To have a hard copy of activities mailed to you please email sadee.mehuren@maine.edu or joyce.weaver@maine.edu or call 207.342.5971.
Virtual Fun Run
University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H is hosting a virtual fun run along the Maine coastline Aug. 15–Sept. 15. The event is open to the public.
Help ME Conquer the Maine Coastline is a virtual run, walk, and bike along all 3,478 miles of Maine’s coastline. The event includes an interactive map to follow as the miles add up, and videos about points along the way.
The event is free; registration is required. Register on the program webpage. Participants can register at any time prior to logging total miles beginning Aug. 15. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Cathy Gray, cathy.gray@maine.edu
Poultry Show Opportunity
With many local fairs being altered or canceled this year, we want to encourage our youth to continue to learn and grow in their poultry keeping by holding a virtual poultry show during the months of July, August, and September.
For the Meyer hatchery virtual poultry show we will follow the same age guidelines as the 4-H program. Entries are open to youth ages 9-18 throughout the months of July, August, and September.
For more information visit https://blog.meyerhatchery.com/showing-poultry.
Waldo County 4-H Arts and Crafts Showcase
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Waldo County 4-H Arts and Crafts Showcase! We loved seeing the projects that you have been working on during the last few weeks.
Show-case Entries:
Name: Lena M
Age: 5
Title: Lena Feeding A Baby Kitty Narrative: This is a picture of me feeding a baby kitty. I made it with crayons and used markers for the eyes. It was pretty quick to make. I made it because I wanted to and I did it by myself with my hands.
Name: Asa M.
Age: 6
Title: Leather Keychain Narrative: This is a leather keychain. To make it I cut the shape, punched holes with my hole puncher, sewed the leather together, and then I sewed the button on. I chose this button because it is cool. I sewed it on with yellow, waxed thread. To make this I used a big needle, thread, a keychain loop, a leather puncher, a button, and leather. I made it for fun because it is pretty cool. If nobody else did anything leather I will be the only one.
Name: Zia H.
Age: 9
Title: Raspberry Pie Narrative: This is raspberry pie made on a “stone drag”. This is heritage pie in my family and the recipe has been passed down through generations. This was my great, great, great, grandfather’s favorite pie. If you like crust and want your raspberries to go a long way, then this pie is for you!

Names: Zoe and Zia H.
Ages: 9,13
Title: Stick House Narrative: Stick house made for Hancock County’s June Jamboree. It has a pallet seat and a garden with Black-eyed Susans.
State News
Fryeburg Fair Virtual 4-H Animal Project Show (No Market Animals)
A Note from Fryeburg Fair: While we cannot be together in person this year, Fryeburg Fair would love to have you participate in our 4-H Animal Project Virtual Show. Please create a 30 to 45 second video and provide a photo of you and your animal. The video and photo should be taken as if you are in the show ring and the camera is the judge. This event is an exhibition of projects and not a judged event. One entry per person per animal type.
Submit one form per animal type (One Entry Per Person Per Animal Type), you may use the “submit another response” link after each submission. Entry deadline is 9/1/2020. Click the following link to view all events and contests: https://www.fryeburgfair.org/p/events/virtual-fair1. All submissions become the property of the Fryeburg Fair.
2020 Big E Has Been Canceled
It has just been announced that the Big E has been canceled for 2020. The official statement from them “The Big E is so much more than just a fair, it is tradition, it is celebration, it is the showcase of everything we are so proud of in New England. This is why our hearts are heavy as we bring you this news. For the safety of our fairgoers, staff, vendors, entertainers, exhibitors, sponsors, volunteers and the broader community, the 2020 Big E has been canceled. Thank you all for your support and we’ll see you September 17-October 3, 2021, when we can all celebrate together again.”
Coming Soon: Maine and Northeast Regional 4-H Dog Photo Contests
Enter the Maine 4-H Dog Photo Contest. Photos will be uploaded and judged. Winners in each of five categories will move on to the Northeast Regional 4-H Dog Photo Contest to compete against winners from several other states. ALL enrolled 4-Hers may enter, not just dog or photography project members.
Go to this web page: extension.umaine.edu/4h/animal-science-resources/dog/dog-photo-contest/ for more information as it becomes available.