Waldo County 4-H Newsletter – January 2021
Upcoming Dates
01/05: Afterhours with 4-H: National 4-H Trips
01/16: Emergency Preparedness Family Challenge Workshop
01/19: Afterhours with 4-H: Support for 4-H High Schoolers
01/26: Public Speaking Workshop: Online Presentations
02/02: Afterhours with 4-H session: 4-H Public Speaking
02/09: Public Speaking Workshop: Career and College Readiness
02/16: Public Speaking Workshop: Intro to 4-H Public Speaking for Cloverbuds
02/23: Public Speaking Workshop: All about Judging and Scoring
03/01: Maine 4-H Foundation Scholarship Application Deadline
04/16-18: State 4-H Public Speaking Tournament
County News
Waldo County 4-H Leaders’ Association
The Waldo County 4-H Leader’s Association monthly meeting will be January 7 at 10:30am via zoom. All 4-H waldo county volunteers are invited to attend and participate in the meeting.
More information on how to join the meeting and the meeting agenda will be sent via email. We look forward to seeing you there!
Afterhours with 4-H
Waldo County 4-H staff would like to invite you to a series of informational zoom meetings. In an effort to make ourselves available to Waldo County 4-H families, we will be holding Afterhours with 4-H office hours every other Tuesday evening.
These zoom meetings will be a chance for 4-H members, parents, and volunteers to ask questions or learn more about the topic being covered. For a schedule of topics being discussed please see the information below. We encourage you to attend and bring any questions you may have. Those who are unable to join via video conferencing can call into the zoom meeting.
Afterhours with 4-H Schedule
01/05- National Trips (6:00-7:00pm)
This zoom session will provide 4-H families with an overview of 4-H National Trips and the requirements for participation. This informational zoom session could be helpful for youth who are interested in attending a 4-H national trip, including CWF, National 4-H Congress, or National 4-H Conference.
01/19- Support for 4-H High Schoolers (6:00-7:00pm)
This zoom session is designed for high school age students and their families to explore the ways in which 4-H can help you discover your passion and plan for life after graduation. This session will also cover some of the ways in which 4-H can support youth in their postsecondary education applications and finances. If you are a current or perspective 4-H member in high school or about to enter high school we encourage you to join this zoom session.
02/02- Public Speaking (6:00-7:00pm)
This zoom session will cover 4-H public speaking projects. Anyone who is interested in completing a public speaking project or who would like a chance to practice their skills is encouraged to join. Public speaking projects are beneficial to youth of all ages and interests. 4-H public speaking contests typically take place in March, so join us to get a jump on your preparation!
If you would like to suggest a topic to be covered at a future Afterhours with 4-H zoom meeting, please do so by emailing sadee.mehuren@maine.edu or calling 207.342.5971.
Emergency Preparedness Opportunity for Youth
Waldo County 4-H and Waldo County EMA have partnered to create a youth committee which will educate and empower youth to handle emergency situations. Preparing youth will empower them to respond safely while making good decisions based on the knowledge and skills they have developed through this program.
In a time of chaos, we believe youth and adults are capable of taking action and keeping themselves safe as they respond appropriately as caring civic leaders.
If you are a teen who has an interest in emergency preparedness or emergency response, please join us on our Youth Preparedness Committee. Youth who participate in the committee will have opportunities to participate in emergency preparedness trainings and educate community members about emergency management. For more information, please email joyce.weaver@maine.edu or call 207.342.5971.

State News
Maine 4-H Foundation Scholarships
Graduating seniors can apply for a 4-H scholarship from the Maine 4-H Foundation. Applications are due on March 1, 2021 to the local county office and on March 8, 2021 to the Maine 4-H Foundation. For more information please go to: https://extension.umaine.edu/4hfoundation/funding/.
4-H Passport Around the World SPIN Club
Join Maine 4-H and Greenheart Exchange as we travel around the world virtually and meet other teens from across the globe! Meetings will include a brief presentation from a Greenheart Exchange Student, an activity, and Q & A. This SPIN Club is best for ages 12-18 and open to all youth. A minimal supply list will be provided for each activity. Dates are Tuesdays, January 19th, February 2nd & 16th, 4:00-5:00PM and Saturdays, January 30th, February, 13th & 27th, 9:30 – 10:30AM. Register at: umaine.edu/4h/4-h-passport-around-the-world-spin-club/.
Important Information for 4-H Market Steer Project Members
Any youth who have submitted an Intent to Sell a Market Steer at the Fryeburg Fair need to follow the updated guidelines sent out:
Email a photo and the following information to jessica.brainerd@maine.edu (if you don’t have access to email, you can print the photo and put the required information on the back – regular paper is fine, mail to: State 4-H Office, 491 College Ave, Orono, ME 04473). Show any distinct marks (i.e. white feet, white spots on head/body). Include a picture of the RFID tag in the animal’s ear.
- Your name on the page
- The USDA approved RFID ear tag # (it starts with the first three digits of “840”) and it is 15 digits long. Confirm that you have written down the number correctly! No changes will be made.
- The name of your steer.
- The birth date (month/year or exact date if known)
- Beginning weight – use a weight tape if necessary (either the date you first tape it or the weight you purchased/obtained your steer) – we can figure the ADG (Average Daily Gain) at the final weigh-in
- The breed of your steer
- Who you purchased/obtained your steer from and the price paid. If Bred and Owned, please state this.
- Address where is the steer being housed – a complete address.
- Any other farm tags or tattoo that your animal has.
NEW THIS YEAR – Your approval form will be handled at the county level. Your steer should be entered on your regular animal approval form. In the column titled “Show Class” enter Fryeburg Sale. If you do not complete this correctly the animal will not be eligible for Fryeburg’s Sale as there are other sales throughout the state.
Save the Date for the 2021 4-H Public Speaking Tournament!
The 2021 4-H Public Speaking Tournament will take place virtually over the weekend of April 16 – 18, 2021. In the absence of local club and county tournaments this year, there will be ample support for youth preceding the tournament in the form of workshops and focused practice opportunities. These workshops are open to all youth who wish to practice their public speaking skills and those who wish to qualify for the state tournament.
If you are interested in participating in the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Program and need assistance in any way, please contact us to discuss your needs. We are committed to making 4-H programs accessible to all youth, regardless of internet or technology access.
Details for the workshops and tournaments are still being organized – regularly updated information can be found on the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Website. Stay tuned for more announcements!
Save the dates for the 4-H Public Speaking Workshops:
– January 26, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Online Presentations
– February 9, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Career & College Readiness
– February 16, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m | Introduction to 4-H Public Speaking for Cloverbuds
– February 23, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | All About Judging & Scoring
– Practice Sessions by appointment in February and March
*Youth are expected to attend two workshops and one practice session to qualify for the State Public Speaking Tournament.
Save the date for the 2021 4-H Public Speaking Tournament: April 16-18, 2021
Questions about the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Program? Contact Sheila Norman, 207.942.7396 or sheila.norman@maine.edu.
Livestock GPS
Do you have an animal, an acre of pasture, and an interest in GPS? Learn real world uses for GPS in modern livestock operations.
Youth 14 – 18 year will learn:
- How GPS works
- History of GPS livestock tracking
- Current GPS uses in livestock research
- Developing your own GPS Research Project with your livestock
- How to download and analyze data
- How to present your GPS research results—Best presentation receives a Custom Silver Buckle
Want to know more? Contact either Debra Kantor – debra.kantor@maine.edu or 207.474.9622, or Colt Knight – colt.knight@maine.edu or 207.581.2593.
Mainely Dish Recipe of the Month
Did you hear that the Maine Expanded Food and Nutrition Education (EFNEP) Program was recently expanded to include Waldo County? ENFEP programs teach participants how to cook new recipes, choose healthy foods, save money on groceries, keep food safe, and be more active. Debbie Barnett is proud to serve Waldo County as an EFNEP Community Education Assistant. Debbie has been working with EFNEP for almost 9 years and she enjoys “teaching people skills that they can use in real life” to “make healthier decisions for their families”.
In collaboration with Waldo County 4-H staff, Debbie will be providing recipes for the Waldo County 4-H newsletter.
Recipe of the month:
This month’s recipe features blueberry pancakes in honor of National Blueberry Pancake Day on January 28th. If you enjoy the recipe below, we encourage you to share a photo of you making your pancakes and a statement about how it went. Photos can be emailed to Waldo County 4-H staff at sadee.mehuren@maine.edu or joyce.weaver@maine.edu.