Waldo County 4-H Newsletter – August 2021
Upcoming Dates
08/09: Union Fair Entry Deadline
08/13: 4-H Summer Learning Series Registration Deadline
08/25: Horse Show Union Fair
08/31: 4-H Exhibit Hall Entry Deadline
09/09: 4-H Leader’s Association Annual Meeting
11/2021: National 4-H Congress Trip
County News
Waldo County 4-H Leaders’ Association
The Waldo County 4-H Leader’s Association annual meeting will be September 9th at 10:30am via. All 4-H waldo county volunteers are invited to attend and participate in the meeting.
More information on how to join the meeting and the meeting agenda will be sent via email. We look forward to seeing you there!
4-H Lending Library
Did you know that Waldo County 4-H has a lending library? Housed in the Waldo County Cooperative Extension office is a 4-H lending library that is available to the Waldo County 4-H community. These resources include a variety of 4-H curriculum, educational tools, and technology.
If there is something you need to complete your 4-H project, whether it is an iPad or knitting needles, do not hesitate to reach out. The resources in the lending library are available even during the current COVID situation. To access resources in the library, contact the Waldo County Cooperative Extension office at 207.342.5971.
Union Fair Entry Deadline
Did you miss the entry deadline for Union Fair? Here’s your chance! To encourage more participation, the deadline to enter the following two 4-H events at Union Fair has been extended to Monday, August 9.
- 4-H Horse Clinic—open to all counties…tell your 4-H horse friends!
- 4-H Exhibition Yurt projects—open to Knox-Lincoln and Waldo Counties.
Rules and entry forms for both of these events are in the 4-H Union Fair Information Booklet at https://extension.umaine.edu/knox-lincoln/4h/union-fair/. Please call either the Waldo County Cooperative Extension office or Knox/Lincoln Counties Cooperative Extension office if you have any questions.
You are invited to join the Youth Preparedness Committee!
Committee Goals
- Educate and Engage our Youth in Emergency Preparedness Life Skills.
- Encourage Civic Involvement by our Youth in order to build resilient communities.
The Youth Preparedness Committee looks to be a local Youth-led, Adult- supported, coalition of Youth organizations with a mission of Youth Preparedness Education. We will achieve this through:
- Coordination of resources, capabilities, and expertise to organize preparedness activities and efforts.
- Communication with each other to provide updated information on training and education opportunities, lessons learned and how we can help one another.
- Collaboration on joint efforts. Each member has different needs and capabilities which can be helped or can help the other members.
- Training and Education. Members can share their current preparedness education, training and instructors to meet the needs of all members for increasing preparedness knowledge and practice.
Typical Preparedness Life Skills Training Topics
- Individual and Family Disaster Preparedness
- 2-way Radio Communications
- National Weather Service (NWS) Skywarn Weather Spotter
- Fire Extinguisher
- First Aid and Stop the Bleed
- Patient Care – Mental Health
- Disease Prevention
- Victim Transport
- Search and Rescue
- Map and Compass
State News
4-H Summer Learning Series – Part II Registration Open Now!
Maine 4-H is offering its hands-on virtual summer learning series through August 20 with over 50 workshops open to all youth ages 5–18. The 4-H Summer Learning Series includes learning tracks in Arts and Crafts, Food and Nutrition, STEM, Marine Science and Aquaculture, Animal Science and Agriculture, Teen Leadership, and more! Offline projects that can be completed at home are also available.
The series is free; registration is required. Part II Registration for enrolled 4-H’ers opens July 1, and to the general public on July 6. Register and find more information on the 4-H Summer Learning Series webpage. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Jessy Brainerd, 207.581.3877; jessica.brainerd@maine.edu.
Enter Your Projects in the Maine State Virtual Fair!
Have you been working hard on a 4-H project that you’re ready to show off? The 2021 Virtual Exhibit Hall is here! Entering projects in your actual fair this summer? Consider entering them in the Maine State Virtual Exhibit Hall as well! We will be accepting submissions now through August 31st. We can’t wait to see what our talented Maine 4-Hers have created! Information about exhibit categories, submission guidelines, and judging can be found on the Maine State Virtual Fair web page.
National Trip Interviews 2021
In the past, we would have held interviews for National Trips in the early spring. At the time, we had youth that had been chosen but had not been able to participate yet due to the pandemic. It was decided that it was not in our best interest to add more numbers to those delegations given we still did not know the status of the pandemic and where all was headed. So, therefore we did not hold any National trip interviews in 2021. We will resume in 2022. If you have questions, please email Heidi Palmer at heidi.thuotte@maine.edu.
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) 2021
CWF 2020 was canceled due to the pandemic. Maine 4-H was committed to sending the 2020 delegation in July of 2021. As we moved forward with the pandemic still around us, last winter the decision was made by National 4-H to hold CWF 2021 virtually. Taking into consideration many different factors, we have decided not to participate in the CWF Conference virtually this year. We will however be encouraging that the same delegation to be ready for July 2022. All youth must still be between the ages of 14 to 18 and be an enrolled member in 2022. We realize that, unfortunately, some youth will have aged out, etc. This is very unfortunate but hopefully, those youth will come back when adult life gets underway for them and perhaps chaperone with us. Monies that were sent in for the trips have been left on file and we will be reaching out to those individuals regarding that. If you have questions, please email Heidi Palmer at heidi.thuotte@maine.edu.
National 4-H Congress 2021
Exciting news! National Congress 2021 will be happening in person in November 2021! As with other trips, Maine 4-H already has a delegation picked from previous National Interviews. We will be reaching out to that group of youth to see where they are at. These youth will need to still be age 14-18 and still enrolled in 4-H. If you have questions, please email Heidi Palmer at heidi.thuotte@maine.edu.
EFNEP Recipe of the Month:
August is the perfect time to visit your Farmer’s Market. Check out the bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables that are grown locally and take talk with the local farmers who grows your food. Look at the colors, shapes and textures of the produce around you.
For this recipe, select a variety of colorful veggies to give your stir fry an eye-catching POP! This is also a great way to try foods you may not have experienced before. Tofu is an excellent source of protein and is perfect when cooked with amazing fresh veggies!
To learn how to make your own stir fry and find other great recipes, visit https://extension.umaine.edu/food-health/efnep/recipe-video-series/#stir-fry-vegetables-with-chicken-beef-or-tofu.
Stir Fry Vegetables with Chicken, Beef or Tofu
Serves: 6 | Serving Size: 1 cup
Ingredients Needed:
- 1cup chicken, beef, or vegetable broth
- 2 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch
- 1teaspoon garlic powder
- 1tablespoon vegetable oil
- 5 cups sliced vegetables, fresh or frozen
(celery, broccoli, zucchini, onions, green
beans, carrots, peppers)
- 2 cups uncooked chicken or beef or 4-ounce firm tofu in bite-size pieces
- 6 cups cooked brown rice
- Mix together broth, soy sauce, cornstarch, garlic powder, and pepper. Set aside.
- Heat oil in a skillet and add vegetables.
- Cook 5 minutes over high heat; shake pan often.
- Remove vegetables from pan.
- Add more oil if needed and place beef, chicken, or tofu in the skillet. Stir and cook uncovered over high heat until cooked thoroughly.
- Lower heat. Return vegetables to skillet.
- Pour broth mixture over vegetables and tofu or meat, stirring constantly. Cook about 2 minutes or until liquid thickens.
- Serve immediately over cooked rice.
- Refrigerate leftovers.