4-H in Washington County – August 2019
Volume 14, Issue 8
Dates to Remember
August 21: 4-H Horse Show at Union Fair
August 24-25: Washington County Fair, Pembroke Fairgrounds
August 27: Exhibits are Due at the Blue Hill Fairgrounds, 3–7:00 pm
Aug. 29 –Sept. 2: Blue Hill Fair – Blue Hill Fairgrounds
September 13: Washington County 4-H Photo Contest Deadline
September 13: New England Horse Education Poster Contest Deadline
September 14: Eastern States Bus Trip
September 20: Perry Harvest Fair Exhibit Registration Deadline
October 4: Perry Harvest Fair Exhibit Drop Off, 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
October 5: Perry Harvest Fair
Washington County Fair
The Washington County Fair (formerly called the Pembroke Fair), sponsored by the Pembroke Trotting Association, provides a fun-filled weekend for the whole family at the Pembroke Fairgrounds, 220 Old County Road! The 2019 fair dates are August 24th & 25th. Events include harness racing, carriage and pony rides, arts and crafts, and music. Washington County 4-H will be in attendance featuring an informational table and activity for youth. For more information, please visit the Washington County Fair Facebook page.
2019 Washington County 4-H Photo Contest
We hope you’ve been out snapping photos for the 2019 Washington County 4-H Photo Contest! Deadline to submit photos to the Extension Office is Friday, September 13, 2019. There are five photo categories – you may enter one photo in each category. Full details can be found on the Washington County 4-H Photo Contest page at or call the office if you have any questions.
Perry Harvest Fair
The Perry Harvest Fair will take place on Saturday, October 5, 2019 at the Community Building, Route 1, Perry from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The fair guidelines have been updated on the 4-H website.
All enrolled 4-H members are encouraged to submit entries for the exhibit hall and clubs are asked to submit a group display. The theme this year is “4-H Seeds for Success”. Premiums will be awarded! Please call in your entries to the office by Friday, September 20, 2019, so that we can prepare sufficient space at the fair. Call the Washington County Extension office at 207.255.3345 or 800.287.1542 (in Maine) or email Tara at tara.a.wood@maine.edu.
Don’t forget to call the Extension office to order Exhibit/Judging and Life Skills Cards for your hall entries.
Successful First Season at Greenland Point 4-H Camp and Learning Center
Camps sessions at Greenland Point 4-H Camp and Learning Center are coming to a close for the first season! For more pictures, visit the Greenland Point 4-H Camp and Learning Center Facebook page. There were over 65 youth from Washington County in attendance! Youth participated in conservation education and outdoor skills development including swimming, canoeing, hiking, shooting sports, and basic survival and outdoor safety. For more information, visit the Greenland Point 4-H Camp and Learning Center website! We hope that you will join us next year for this amazing camping experience right here in Washington County!
4-H Kids Can Grow
Citizenship Washington Focus
4-H Summer of Science
4-H CEA Sandy Copel Parsons and 4-H Teen Teachers finished up six weeks of the 4-H Summer of Science Program at Washington Academy in East Machias, Princeton Library, Porter Memorial Library in Machias and Lubec Summer Rec Program. Youth in grades three through five participated in STEM related activities with a pirate and ocean theme.
Quote from 4-H Teen Teacher John: “I spent this summer working as a 4-H Teen Teacher at the Porter Memorial Library. I have to say it’s great to help kids and be a positive influence in someone’s life. 4-H is fun for families, educational and promotes healthy living. It helps kids think critically about problems, how to solve them while making a positive impact on the environment. I love this job! Thank you to Sandy and the incredible staff who were there to support me and to help the kids. Everyone had a great time!”
- 4-H Summer of Science Teen Leader Cali tests a constructed catapult prototype taking potential energy turning it into kinetic energy.
- The Deep and Shallow Experiment explored the different layers of the ocean.
- Summer of Science 2019- Pirate Adventure: Sailing the Seas Pirates for Cleaner Oceans! Celebration- Princeton Public Library
4-H News from the State
- Eastern States Bus Trip, Saturday, September 14, 2019
It’s time to reserve seats for the buses traveling to Eastern States Exposition (ESE or also called the “Big E”) in West Springfield, Massachusetts for Maine Day on Saturday, September 14, 2019.This one-day trip is sponsored by the Maine Trustees of the Eastern States Exposition to encourage
Maine 4-Hers who don’t presently participate in events at ESE to see the activities that go on for 4-H youth in hopes to bolster their enthusiasm to participate in the future. A bus is reserved for us, the northernmost bus will originate in Bangor, and there will be stops at several points on I-95, locations based on where passengers are located. Seats fill up quickly, and we will begin taking registrations immediately.All youth must go with a chaperone, but because this event is primarily for youth; seats are limited to no more than two adults per child – chaperones must be the parent or legal guardian of the 4-H member, or an enrolled VOLT trained volunteer. The bus ride and admission to the “Big E” are free, and all individuals on this trip are expected to march in the parade at 5 pm. It works well if you wear a 4-H t-shirt if you have one, and for clubs to bring their club banner to display during the parade.Items you might want to bring along with you are: light snacks, water, a good book, Rated G movies (there is a DVD player on the bus), a pillow, and a blanket. There will be a rest stop along the way. Other items to consider bringing: clothing to identify your club, a comfortable pair of walking shoes, a hat with a visor, sun glasses, sun screen, a back pack, personal spending money, a camera, and a watch. If you have a cell phone, it will be helpful for logistics. Please include your cell phone number when you register. Please leave valuable items at home. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Eastern States Exposition Bus Trip Reservations can be made online or emailing Jordan Rhoten at rhoten@maine.edu.When you register, please give the name, age (for adults, just state “adult”), address, home phone, and cell phone number of each person in your group. Reservations are due by Friday, August 30th (call after this date to check on seat availability). A confirmation email will be sent to you a week before the trip giving you your time and pick up location. Pick up will be bright and early in the morning, and both buses will be leaving The Big E at 7:00 pm.Volunteers are needed to serve as Bus Monitors. Bus Monitors will serve as the contact person for other passengers on their bus, and will make sure everyone gets back on the bus at the rest stop. If you’d be willing to serve in this capacity, please let us know when you sign up.If you have questions, please contact Jessy Brainerd at 800.287.0274 or 207.581.3877. - 4-H Horse Show at Union Fair
Maine 4-H Horse members: You are invited to participate in the 4-H Horse Show at Union Fair on Wednesday, August 21 starting at 9:00 am at Union Fairgrounds in Union, Maine. Open to all 4-H members, 4-H ages 9-18, in the State of Maine who are enrolled in a 4-H Horse Project. For more information and entry form, visit the Union Fair website to download the Premium Book under Information>Printable Documents. Questions? Pamela Doherty, 207.832.0343, doherty@maine.edu. - Big E Ruby Morris 4-H Scholarship
This year Maine will select 1 recipient for the $500 Ruby Morris 4-H Scholarship. Potential candidates must have been a 4-H program participant at the Big E for at least one year, the year of the scholarship presentation, or prior. The scholarship must be used for two or four Year College, professional training, technical schools, etc.Additional information and Ruby Morris 4-H Scholarship application materials can be found online. - WABI Covered the ribbon-cutting of Lafayette and Rawcliffe 4-H Science and Engineering Learning Center
WABI(channel 5) covered the ribbon-cutting at the Lafayette and Rawcliffe 4-H Science and Engineering Learning Center, established by University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Maine 4-H Foundation. “We’re fully connected via technology… if we need the ability to bring youth here in this area and connect them with other folks around the state and around the world,” says Hannah Carter, dean of Cooperative Extension. Youth can participate in workshops and connect with UMaine faculty and student researchers. The building also will house 4-H STEM Ambassadors, the 4-H STEM Toolkit Lab and Lending Library, Follow a Researcher™, 4-H Science Saturdays, and 4-H@UMaine. - Congratulations to the following 4-H members for their selection to the Maine State 4-H Equestrian Team
Riders: Jordyn M. (Andro/Sag), Sophie P. (Cumberland), Jessica F. (Cumberland), Izabelle H. (Aroostook), Natalie D. (Cumberland), Anna R. (Aroostook), Ashlyn B. (Oxford), Mallory W. (Aroostook), Caitlyn P. (Franklin), Alex M. (Hancock), Carianne C. (Franklin), Mariah M. (Somerset), Ryan I. (Waldo), Emily C. (Waldo), Shannon R. (Cumberland), Mia W. (Franklin), Bailegh M. (Aroostook). Teen Leaders: Zoe S. (Hancock), Bailey C. (Andro/Sag), Abbie K. (Waldo), Samantha B. (Waldo) & Alternate Alison S. (Aroostook). Educational Horse Track Delegates: Emily G. (Waldo) & Grace W. (Franklin).Congratulations! We are proud to have you represent our state at the Big E on September 18-21. - New England 4-H Horse Education Poster Contest
Situation: 4-H members and their horses are on display for the public at The New England 4-H Horse Program Activity at Eastern States Exposition. Most of those who go through the horse barn and watch the 4-H horse show are not knowledgeable about horses or safety around them. They often put themselves, their children, 4-H members and horses in potentially dangerous situations because of lack of knowledge.Purpose: To educate the public about safety around horses and general horse knowledge.How: A Horse Safety/General Horse Knowledge Poster Display in the horse barn.Who: Any 4-H member is invited to submit a poster for the contest.When: Posters must be at the Androscoggin/Sagadahoc Counties office or with an Eastern States Horse Team Member by Friday, Sept 13, so the posters can be transported to ESE for judging.What: The poster may illustrate any aspect of Equine education or general horse safety. It can be a drawing, a cartoon, a collage, printed instructions, etc. The poster must be a minimum of 11″ x 14″ in size, or a maximum of 22″ x 28″ and should be readable at 30′. THIS POSTER SHOULD BE YOUR OWN WORK. Check with your 4-H extension office for tips on making posters and/or further information.
Divisions for posters: 5-8yrs (Novice), 9-13yrs (Juniors) and 14 to 19yrs (Seniors) Each division will be judged separately All posters will be displayed in the 4-H Horse barn during the 4-H Horse Activity at The Big E
For entry forms please contact Kristy Ouellette in the Androscogggin/Sagadahoc office at kristy.ouellette@maine.edu.