Cumberland County Leaders Association Meeting Minutes

The Cumberland County 4-H Leaders Association is a group for any 4-H Volunteer in Cumberland County. The Leaders Association has nine meetings a year with educational topics open to all volunteers. They are responsible for planning and/or funding many County events including Winterfest, Presentation Day, and Fashion Revue. They also create and support various committees including the Awards committee, event committees and more. Check out the latest minutes below to find out what they’ve been up to and how you can help!



October 2022
September 2022
August 2022
June 2022
May 2022
March 2022
January 2022


November 2021
October 2021
September 2021
May 2021
March 2021
January 2021

October 20th, 2022

In attendance: Pat Stack, Connie Wood, Nicole Foster, Chris Baldinelli, Stanley Moreau, Ralph Clark, ZOOM: Jenn Grant

Treasurer’s Report, Stan (he will not be at the Nov. meeting): Checking: $37,562.81, Savings: $30,067.74, Susan Grover Fund: $10,874.96, Harpswell Capitol $23,355.87. There is still $3,450.24 remaining in Chicken to Kitchen funds. Total $101,861.38. Connie motions to accept, seconded by Ralph. All in favor. Accepted. We are waiting to be invoiced for CWF, the Paul Merril Fund and any outstanding kitchen bills.  Bill are otherwise paid. January we will review budget. No one has been successful contacting the UMaine Extension Homemakers regarding the Campership and we are questioning if they exist any longer.  Stan will follow up with the Treasurer on their website but we may need to cover this Campership if they have disbanded. 

Secretary’s Report,, Nicole: Pat correction to the 9.15.22 notes to include:UMaine Extension Support: We discussed the erosion we have observed in communication and the support available to 4H Leader’s from the UMaine Extension Office and everyone present echoed these concerns. As a Leader’s Association we have agreed to form a taskforce to assist us with taking a closer look at what, if anything, can be done to improve this situation for our volunteers and we will be adding UMaine Extension Support as a line item to our monthly meetings. Emily Ambrose and Chris Baldinelli will be helping with this.” Also Stan added a correction to the 9.15.22 notes : “Harpswell Capitol investment to $23,355.80”. Connie motions to accept with corrections, Stan seconds. All in favor.  Accepted with corrections. 

Old Business

New Hire: Mitch said the candidate will reply by Monday of next week and he’s shared that this particular candidate is an excellent one.

Pig Raffle: Sun $982.00, Mon $630.00, Tues $563.00, Weds $670.00, Thurs $188.00, Fri $347.00, Sat $421.00.  This year almost all of the tickets had been distributed prior to the fair, leaving not enough for Fair Week.  Some Leaders do not sell repurposed tickets and some sign their tickets out to track which have been returned to them. We agreed to increase the number of tickets we order from 4000 to 5000 to 7000 in 2023 and to set aside approx. 3000 for the week. It was decided the Pig Raffle Booth is designated exclusively for the sale of Pig Raffle tickets by 4H supporters and volunteers. 

Bottle Bins: $336.15 was raised in returnables.  There was a good of kids and parents helping gather bins Saturday with Jenn, Ralph and Sarah Sparks. 

Fair Kitchen: We had too much left over milk, beef, eggs and cheese next year will order less. Sales for the week: Sun $2,753, Mon $1,560, Tues $2,160, Weds $1025, Thurs $2,160, Fri $1,477, Sat $2,578, Post (pending): $580.  Expenses: $200 5000 kitchen slips, Sysco $4,119.92, local shopping $687.75, Pepsi $846.30 (pendng Pepsi credit approx. $150.00), insurance $633.00, propane $435.23, donuts $455.21. Income $14,255.00, Expenses $7,377.41, Revenue: Pig Raffle $4,880.00, Food Booth $6,877.59 Total: $11,757.59

Exhibit Hall: This fall Nick Tammaro has volunteered to help remove the dead shrubbery at the front door and replace with materials donated by Skillins Greenhouse.  Gemma Baldinelli, Sara Conant, Sarah Sparks and Emily Ambrose worked together this year to operate the Exhibit Hall. We need to ask if the 4H Alumni corner could have all of the items grouped together in the same section next year. There were a good number of Club displays this year.

Livestock Auction: Went smooth next year will print more booklets.  Youth were pleased with the prices.  Alexander Schmidt and Linc Merrill have paid the youth they purchased from.

Focus Record Sheets: We are 1 of 3 counties who have implemented the new Project Records. The group recently met and some of the changes should soon be rolling out soon.  Next meeting is November 11th

November Invitation to CWF attendees: Pat sent an invitation to the four attendees and have heard back from two so far. They will be in attendance and are working on a presentation.

National Trips: The interviews which were scheduled for Oct. 10 – 16 did not take place but should happen soon with first trip approaching over Thanksgiving break.

Nominating Committee: We have two possible candidates for the Awards Committee.  Please send nomination suggestions to Pat Stack. 

November Elections: Pat has sent Eavan a list of the vacancies for Board and Officer positions (President, Vice President) and slated Officers for next year Nicole Foster, Secretary and Stanley Moreau, Treasurer.  

New Business

UMaine Extension Support Update:  Please send suggestions of how your club members and volunteers would like to be supported to Pat Stack.

Office Committee List: Pat has received an updated copy from the extension office.

Newsletter: This used to be emailed at the beginning of the month.  We will ask Eavan if it may be possible for it to be sent earlier in the month.  Can we bring back the Club Happenings section of the (electronic) newsletter for Club submissions?

  • Paul Merrill deadline: November 1st
  • Awards packets due October 24
  • IRS 990 N E-Postcard filing November 15
  • 2022-2023 Re-Enrollment Process: Z Suite help is available 
  • Public Speaking Workshop October 19


  • County Pins:  who is looking to see what we have or need to order?  Sara C placed a large order so we might have enough but need to confirm.
  • Winterfest:  Pat has asked about the status of Winterfest this year and Mitch has said there has been problems with reserving an in person location.  
  • Nicole will send a sympathy card to Bec Benson.

Meeting adjourned at 8:39pm


September 15th, 2022

In attendance: Stan Moreau, Ralph Clark, Chris Baldinelli, Emily Ambrose, Pat Stack, Connie Wood, Wendy Gallagher, Nicole Foster, Jenn Grant, ZOOM: Kim Bragdon, Amy McDevitt

Treasurer’s Report, Stan: He has received $245.00 in advance pig raffle sales money. We received $303.00 from Shaw’s in 2 checks.  $633.00 has been paid for insurance for the food booth. Camperships and 1 scholarship has been paid for. The pig raffle tickets have been paid for. He has not received any bills from any CWF kids yet. Account Balances (Approx): $21,000 – $35,000 savings, Harpswell Capitol $15,000. Motion to accept, Connie, Seconded, Ralph.  All in favor. Accepted.

Secretary’s Report: Pat made a correction to 8/18/22 meeting notes; Not a Board Meeting, change to Volunteer Meeting.  Motion to accept with changes:  Wendy, Seconded: Connie. All in favor. Accepted.

Old Business

New Hire: Mitch said there is one more candidate to interview during the last two weeks of September. 

Pig Raffle: Pig growing well, very quickly. The Pig Raffle Booth is moved for paving right now.  Please bring back unsold tickets, we are running low for the week of the fair.

Kitchen: A 3 sliding door cooler has been donated and an electrical outlet will be installed to plug it into.  The panel beside the stove will be moved and the walls will be enclosed with washable board in the stove area. Pat invited Ted Googins to join a meeting if helpful.  Jim & Heidi removed the two refrigerators that no longer work. We still need to check to see if hornet’s nest is down near the back door.

Awards Committee:  Jenn did not hear back from Katie Josephs.  She asked Jim Palmer and he is willing to try.  Becky Merriman stepped down and he will finish her term.  Sarah Sparks said that Sara Stiles is interested.  We agreed to brainstorm as a group during Volunteer Leader Meetings instead of relying solely on the Nomination Committee to identify prospective volunteers.  

Focus Group Project Records: Connie and Kim attended the most recent meeting.  The comparison matrix has been removed. Oct 11th is the next meeting. 

CWF Attendees Invitation: Pat will invite them to the November meeting. 

Officer Election: President: EMPTY, VP: EMPTY, Treasurer: Stan, Secretary: Nicole

Pat will ask that the vacant positions be emailed to members. Emily Ambrose has offered to help the Leader’s Association find ways to look for more support and involvement and Chris Baldinelli would like to help as well.  

New Business

Fair packages sent to Leaders not members this year.  Start up packets are available to pick up at the fair. TSC Paper Clover dates Oct. 5th-16th, Public Speaking Workshop ZOOM Oct. 19th 6-7pm, National Trips: Applications due Sept. 30, interviews Oct 10-16 via ZOOM for 4H Congress 11/25-12/1 and 4H Conference 4/14-4/19. 

Jenn motions to adjourn the meeting 8:33pm.  All in favor.

August 18th 2022

In attendance:  Chris Baldinelli, Emily Ambrose, Ralph Clark, Jenn Grant, Wendy Gallagher, Nicole Foster, Pat Stack, Connie Wood

Fulltime CEA Hire: Mitch has said before 9.2.2022 interviews will be taking place in hopes of having someone hired prior to the Fair.  There are 2 applicants.  The panel of 3 will review the applications and  the interview process will begin next week.

Pig Raffle:  The pig is growing quickly and tickets have been selling.

CWF: 20 kids went, one girl could not attend.  Pat will invite them to the November meeting.

Exhibit Hall: Gemma Baldinelli & Emily Ambrose will both assist Sara C and Sarah S this year. Jenn will connect them so they can coordinate.

Kitchen A 3 door cooler has been donated from Kathy & Bruce Haley.  It is too large to fit in the kitchen so we will need to extend part of the kitchen into the Exhibit Hall.  The black refrigerator needs to be removed.  The white refrigerator we use for our water is not keeping temperature so that too needs to be replaced.  Heidi will share dimensions with Lyle for the area needed and Pat will bring to our next meeting. 

Cumberland Fair: The Farmer’s Club would like to welcome and encourage 4H participation in the parade.  Connie’s Club has ordered a new backdrop for Cumberland Fair using Mike Wilson donation.  It’s an 8’ x 10’ and will be displayed.

Bottle bins: Connie’s Club will help put out the bottle bins and Ralph will collect at the end of the week. 

Awards Committee: Jenn emailed Katie Josephs with Working Steer to see if her mother can help with the Awards Committee. She is still working on a replacement for Becki Merriman.

Trips: We need an updates on the status of the national trips for the rest of 2022 and 2023. 

Meeting adjourned 8:15pm


June 16th, 2022

In attendance: Joan Rolfe, Wendy Gallagher, Stan Moreau, Connie Wood, Ralph Clark, Kim Bragdon, Chris Baldinelli, Jenn Grant, Pat Stack, Nicole Foster ZOOM: Emily Ambrose, Wendy Landry.

Treasurer Report: No changes.

Secretary Report: May Meeting correction, Pat: names. Connie: Award Committee Terms: 3 year term and every year 2 terms end.  Connie motions with corrections, Ralph seconds.  All in Favor. Accepted with corrections.

Old Business

New Hire: Sara’s position: HR said position is in final approval stages, no expected date of when opening will be posted. Eavan, Rachel Domin and Mitch will interview and Chris Baldinelli will follow up again about this.  Sometime in early August is our target date of having the new hire.

Pig Raffle: Tickets are available. Stan spoke with Nick who said the pig is doing well.

150th Celebration Cumberland Fair: Lots of sheep kids in attendance, also Swiners, All Star Dairy and Beef Club.  Saturday was a great day and overall it went well.

New Project Record Focus Group, Connie: ZOOM meeting was held last week. Youth group had met prior to the meeting and viewed the UCONN Project Records. (Currently the only available online are Intermediate and eventually everyone will just use the same one.) There will be another meeting next month.

CWF: Sponsoring 6 youth to attend. $1100.00 was our contribution of the $2400 total cost and youth are responsible for $50 contribution. 11 youth ages 17 and 18 were provided a day and a half to respond, with no responses. Then Connie went to the 16 year olds and got Una M. She went onto the 15 year olds and got Cammy, Bodie & Garrett. Jillian and Ally responded they will attend.  Stan has received a check from Garrett and the kids still need his mailing address. We rolled bottle money over and only needed to cover a gap of $300.00.  We have been advised the funding for the trip from the 4H Foundation may not continue.

Shaw’s $230 Fundraiser Money: This can go into the General Fund.

Scholarships: Wendy L sent a notice to Pat, she is waiting to hear back from Homemakers about what their contribution will be this year. 3 applications for Leader’s Scholarship and 1 for Homemaker’s. Each will receive $1,000.00 in total. The following were selected: Noah Brown ($800 Leader’s/ $200 Susan Grover), Kate Holmquist ($800 Leader’s / $200 Susan Grover & Homemaker’s Scholarship as sole applicant), Alyvia Caruso ($1,000 Leader’s).

Camperships: 5 applications: $50 Skofield Field Hockey Camp, Arianna Morse $50 Skofield Field Hockey Camp, TJ Peters $50 Hitters Count, Jude Paul $50 Eric Begonias Marine Biology Camp, Gretchen Paul $50 Eric Begonias Marine Biology Camp, Kendall Sparks $325 4H Campership, Delia Tomkus $300 Barbara Tibbetts and $25 4H Campership.

Paul Merrill, Joan:$800.00 to Beef Club for a scale which may be used by all Clubs.

Awards Committee: Jenn will follow up with one prospective volunteer.  The other 2 who could renew have done so. Joan reminded us of the guidelines 3 animal and 3 general clubs.

Exhibition Hall: Sarah S and Sara C have both agreed to help us again this year.  Pat will email Mitch to ask if Eavan will help with the Exhibit Hall this year or not.  Please think of prospective volunteers who could be mentored to help with the Hall.

New Business

New Business/Announcements: State 4 H Dairy Show July 23-24 Windsor Fairgrounds. Allison said 21 kids sent in their Intent Forms for Eastern States.

Fairground Cleanup Meeting:  Sara C is the one who had a list of clean up projects. Hedges should clipped. Nicole will email Sara C to ask if she has a list for August clean up meeting and to see if she is able to come in for that or not. Stan will bring power clippers.

Kitchen  One of the broken refrigerators needs to be removed. Pat will email Lyle to tell him there is still no water in the Exhibit Hall. The Rabbit Club will be using it June 18th.


  • Pat shared Amylynn’s letter with all in attendance.
  • Connie said there will be national trips and when Heidi gets back from CWF she will send an email with information about the dates for these.

Stan motions to adjourn, Connie seconds.  Meeting adjourned at 8:31pm.

May 19th, 2022

In attendance: Pat Stack, Nicole Foster, Jenn Grant, Chris Baldinelli, Ralph Clark, Connie Wood, Nicole Foster  ZOOM: Wendy Gallagher, Kim Bragdon, Emily Ambrose

Treasurer’s Report: Checking: $22,402.85, Savings: $30,066.47, Susan Grover $10,874.41, Harpswell Capitol: $23,355.87 ( -$2,501.07 YTD ) TOTAL: $86,704.60  Ralph motions to accept, Connie seconds. All in favor. Accepted.

Secretary’s Report: Connie motions to accept, Ralph seconds. All in favor. Accepted.

Old Business

New Hire: The new position will be a full time position as a Community Education Assistant (CEA) who will focus on supporting 4H Clubs and SPIN Clubs, volunteers, and 4H activities within the county. A search committee is being developed and recommendations for parent volunteers and leaders may be shared with Mitch.  The steps include registering to be a part of the University HR website, reading applicant resumes, 3 meetings as a search committee, and conducting interview of finalists. The commitment will be 12-14hrs of work spread out over 6-10wks with approx. half the work done independently and half as a group.

Pig Raffle: Connie brought the tickets to the meeting, Jen ordered 5000 and 8 signs. Signs will go in Jen’s Farm Stand and to Blue Seal. Connie and Pat donated the raffle pig and Stan is paid. Stan got the pig and took it to Ryan Tammaro’s to be raised.

Cumberland Fair 150th celebration: Connie, Jenn, Allison, Brittany, Joan, Blane, Kim and Amylynn joined a planning meeting. Reach out to Tammy Sawyer to coordinate club or member participation. 

New Project Record Focus Group: Connie attended ZOOM meeting with Kristy Oulette and a few others. They were looking at Project Records from UConn and others and shared those examples. They had a youth group with around 3 kids. The matrix has been removed from the current Project Record. They will be meeting again the first Monday in June.

New Business

Shaw’s Fundraiser: $230.00 was raised by Shaws so we will need to decide where the funds should be applied. We will discuss this at our next meeting.

CWF June 25-July1st: (28 kids $900-$1000 per youth) Heidi does not know who is going yet.  Cumberland County has 3 going: Alison Brown, Jullian Sawyer, Ali Landry who need to be notified.  Youth will need to be vaccinated and provide a negative test result 72hrs before leaving. We need to find out if these 3 can go or not because we are running out of time and now do not have time for the interview process for new applicants. Pat will follow up with Heidi again.

Scholarships: There will be an Awards Committee Meeting next week and they will be reviewing applications. 

Paul Merrill: There is one application and a meeting will be held May 26th to review that.

Awards Committee: Becky Merriman has stepped down as Chair (prior to 2023 end) and Wendy Landry is helping with this opening, (whose term ends at the end of 2022).  Christine Martel’s first term ends in 2022.  Kim Bragdon’s term ends in 2023. Mary Fallon and Catherine Paul ended in 2021 but Catherine has responded to the most recent meeting request.  Jenn, the Nominating Committee, will ask Catherine and Mary if they would be willing to serve another term and she’ll also follow up with Wendy Landry. (It is a 2 year term which rotates every 3 years so 2 people every year change).

Exhibition Hall: Sara Conant has taken care of this in the recent past and she might be willing to help with. We need to secure volunteers to help with this. Nicole will follow up with Sara Conant and Sarah Sparks. 

June Board Meeting: We will be meeting (6/16/22) and open to all volunteers and Leader’s.

Adjourned 8:40pm


March 17th, 2022

In attendance: Jenn Grant, Pat Stack, Wendy Gallagher, Nicole Foster, Emily Ambrose, Ralph Clark, Stan Moreau, ZOOM: Connie Wood

Welcome Emily Ambrose, our new Board Member, White Pine Caprines

Treasury, Stan: Checking $22,275.85, Savings $30,065.97, Susan Grover Fund: $10,874.14, Harpswell Capitol: $24,955.10 (-$863.00 Feb, no March statement), Total: $88,171.06. We purchased approx. 2yrs pins and County ribbons for $959.34. In our checking account we still have $3,450 for Chicken to Kitchen if this project happens again. Bills paid. Wendy moves to accept, Ralph seconds.  All in favor.  Accepted.

Secretary’s Report: Nicole did not print and bring to meeting but was sent in email and shared in newsletter.

Meeting Proposals, Pat: Waldo & Penobscot responded. She shared their feedback and meeting schedules and no programming is offered during their meetings only business. Everyone agreed to keep our current meeting schedule with leaving the option to not hold a meeting during the year if not needed. Pat will ask Eavan to update the invitation to include 4H Leader & Volunteer Meeting.

New Project Record Focus Group:  Some changes were discussed including eliminating the reflection page and the matrix. Another group of youth will pilot the modified Project Records possibly in the fall.

March National Conference: No youth is attending due to Covid this year.

2022 Conference and Conference 2023:  Interviews will be held in April. Previously approved youth are priority for CWF. The Foundation is still holding funds which were sent 2 years ago for the trip.

Fashion Review: 7 projects and participants and 3 judges with public attendance for audience.

Paul Merril Applications due May 1st

4H Member Cards: Request by April 1st in order to have in time for fair.

New Hire: Pat and Mitch and a group met to discuss a replacement for Sara Conant and they recommend a full time professional.  Mitch would like a letter which may be shared and Rachel has provided this.  Mitch will update Pat once he hears back.

4H Scholarship Applications 4H Foundation early May

Campership Applications are due April 8th

Pig Raffle: Stan ordered the pig which should be here the first of May.  We need to confirm with Windham Butcher, identify a youth to raise it and order the tickets & signs. Wendy will ask at her next meeting she if any youth will help by raising the pig.  Jenn will ask at Windham Butcher if we are on their schedule to be sure.  Last year David Trafford assisted with transporting the pig but he will not be available this year so we will need to find transport to Windham Butcher.

Cumberland County 150th:  Tentative schedule drafted for Saturday and Sunday. Leaders are welcome and encouraged to participate with their Club.

Stan motions to Adjourn, Wendy seconds. Meeting adjourned 8:20pm


January 20, 2022

In attendance: Chris Baldinelli, Nicole Foster, Sara Conant, Connie Wood, Wendy Gallagher, Stan Moreau,  via ZOOM: Jenn Grant, Amylynn McDevitt, Kim Bragdon  Guest: Lyle Merrifield

June 4th & 5th    150th Celebration of Cumberland Fair: The Farmer’s Club would like to see 4H kids participate in this event.  Will youth participate one or both days? Old fashioned ox pulling & plowing shows will be taking place. Some limited food vendors will be there and old period rides by Gillette possibly. Celebrations will be located over near the museum.  4H shows may be held in the pulling arena and there is a wash station available. Are there any Clubs or Leader’s who could help by possibly leading a few old style games which would have taken place 100yrs ago?  A 4H display in the museum would be nice as well. There will be a baseball game, likely on Sunday, in the center of the track. There will also be some activities during the 2022 fair. They are anticipating approx. 4000 people to attend.  Lyle will share the tentative schedule.

Treasury, Stan:  no report or changes. $53.95 paid for gift card for family who raised the raffle hog, $959.00 paid for County Award Pins and $15 paid to Pepsi.

Secretary’s Report: Wendy moved to accept Secretary’s Report as written. Stan second. All in favor. Approved.

Pig Raffle Recognition: Stan will send, Pat delivered cookies to Blue Seal already.

Winterfest, Sara: Few glitches that Sara has addressed to prevent from happening again. No attendees for BINGO but approx. 10 for Trivia.  More structure will be provided for the Awards Committee in a shared spreadsheet. Fewer than 4 awards for both the Marketing and Beef Projects were awarded for 2021, Jenn inquired with Kim as to possibly why with 3 different clubs with submissions. Kim will check into this.

4H Congress Trip November 2021: Trip was canceled due to one of the 2 participants testing positive the night before departure.

Mission Statement  Wendy moves to accept. Jenn seconds. All in favor. Accepted.

“The Cumberland County 4-H Leaders Association builds leadership, civic engagement, and life skills in young people. The Association meets its mission by supporting and retaining volunteers while providing financial support and other resources to educational programs for clubs, youth, volunteers, and parents.”

4H Volunteer Leader Survey Results:

1.       Nearly 75% of respondents preferred either Zoom only or a mix of Zoom and in-person meetings. Conclusion: All meetings (with the exception of August being dependent on fairground wifi) will be held via Zoom and in-person to allow for the greatest access possible.

2.       Nearly 75% of respondents said they would attend two to four meetings a year (near even split between 2, 3, and 4 meetings options) to help plan county-wide activities, set up fundraisers, and learn from educational programs. Conclusion: Hold less meetings. Some discussion among members about not having board-only meetings and having meetings open to all leaders. Current meetings: October (LA), November (LA annual meeting), January (LA), March (LA – Education), May (LA – Education), June (B), August (LA-Fair Cleanup), Sept (B) = 8 meetings (6 LA, 2 Board). Proposal 1: October (B), November (LA annual meeting), January (B), March (LA – Education), May (B), August (LA-Fair Cleanup), vote to not hold June & Sept. meetings = 6 meetings (3 LA & 3 Board). Proposal 2: November (LA – Annual Meeting/Voting/Planning/Budgeting), January (LA – Education), March (LA – Education), May (LA – Education), August (Fair Cleanup, QUICK (30 mins) check-in meeting after dinner to make sure plans for fair are set) = 4.5 total (all LA). Proposal 2 most aligns with survey responses and January meeting discussion about not having Board only meetings.

3.       March Meeting: LA must choose a proposal, no by-laws changes yet, sample the plan for a year or two and vote on by laws once a final plan has been decided. Discuss a name change to be more inclusive. Discuss short-answer responses from survey about culture shifts. Discuss Pat’s results from her discussions with other LA Presidents.


Pro’s and Con’s: Leaves one month for education or programming. Jenn & Wendy are not on the Board and do not attend during those months.   Do we need to have designated Board Meetings? Instead of a ByLaw change we can vote to not meet in June and September or October.

New Project Record focus group, Connie has followed up and is waiting to hear back.  She is looking for the link to sign up.  Kim and Jenn also signed up and have not heard back yet either. Connie will follow up with Kristy Ouelette.

Fashion Review, Jenn: February 26, 2022, Little Falls School Gorham. Intent to participate forms are due this Friday, deadline now extended by 2 weeks.  Currently we have 5 registered.

Public Speaking, Connie: April 9, 2022 State there will be a new category.  There is going to be a Regional Tournament March 5th organized by Franklin County. There will not be a local one this year.

4H Foundation Scholarship applications are due March 1st.  Stan noted this year there are a number of high school seniors in the Sheep Club.

Cumberland County Scholarships & Camperships Applications due April 8th.

CWF June 25 – July 1st 2022: In person Hyatt Regency Bethesda, MD.  They still have funds and will see how many kids still want to go then will open first come first serve.  The 3 youth that were selected 2yrs ago are still eligible if they want to attend. The Foundation will cover the $300 difference for the hotel.  Connie will follow up with Heidi.

National 4H Conference March 20 – 24, 2022: Healthy Living moved to April vacation and Agri Science March 10  –  13th. LA will give $75 for all 3. 3 Cumberland County youth (6 total) will be attending the Healthy Living Summit and 6 for AgriScience.

Updates from Sara Conant

·         Chicken to Kitchen meeting this week, Teen Council they might choose that service project or another one.

·         New In Person Meeting Guidelines released today. No food at meetings is the new change. Side note: it might be best to not have in person meetings.

·         Background Checks: You must email Eavan to let him know that you have completed it.

·         Volunteer Cabin Fever Series: Once per month trainings for Leaders and Volunteers.

·         A member survey being sent to youth ages 13 -18 for National 4H Council in Maine with a goal of 250 participants from Kristy Ouelette.

We are in need for a program for our March or May meeting.  Connie suggested thinking of those who might be willing to join in using ZOOM.

Kitchen needs June 18th for Open Show for Rabbits Amylynn McDevitt & Kim Bragdon will use the 4H kitchen for crockpot dishes and possibly use the microwave.

No Feb meeting

Stan motions to adjourn, Wendy seconds.


November 18, 2021

In attendance: Jenn Grant, Pat Stack, Kim Bragdon, Wendy Gallagher, Mitch Mason, Connie Wood, Ralph Clark, Nicole Foster

Treasurer’s Report (Stan not present, shared by Pat):

  • Checking $22,757.18, Savings $30,064.98, Susan Grover Fund $10,873.86, Harpswell Capitol $29,493.78. Total: $88,689.80
  • Chicken to Kitchen: $5000.00 deposited to start with – $589.75 for chicks and -$960.00 processing leaving $3,450.25 in checking unused.
  • Cumberland Fair: Kitchen $5,077.54 ($11,726.00 in sales – expenses) Pig Raffle $3,815.00. Total: $8,566.84

Motion to Accept: Connie, 2nd: Wendy. All in favor. Accepted.

Secretary’s Report: Correction to 10.21.21 notes: Quizbowl Team not with Connie, Wendy Landry chaperone. Motioned to accept w/corrections Wendy, 2nd Connie. All in favor. Accepted.

Old Business:

Cumberland Fair

4H Kitchen After meeting 11/16: 3 cases of beef patty available $66ea 60ct 4oz patties. Very short on volunteers this year. Seeking help with daily donut delivery & midweek laundry of aprons.

Survey to 4H Leader’s: Pat has heard back from 2 of the 5 President’s she contacted and will share feedback.

New Project Records: There is a new Focus Group who is looking for volunteers. Contact Mitch or Sara if you would be willing to help.  Connie will follow up with Donna Flint to see what their Club is currently using.

Mission Statement proposed DRAFT:

“The Cumberland County 4-H Leaders Association builds leadership, civic engagement, and life skills in young people. The Association meets its mission by supporting and retaining volunteers while providing financial support and other resources to educational programs for clubs, youth, volunteers, and parents.”

New Business:

Winterfest County Awards: Teen Council hosting Dec 5th Virtual Awards Ceremony. A link will be sent.

Election of 2022 Board of Directors: Slated Board of Directors: Kim Bragdon, Emily Ambrose, Chris Baldinelli, Ralph Clark. Wendy motions to accept the Slate of Board of Directors. Connie 2nd. All in Favor. Accepted.

The Nominations Committee has nominated Connie Wood as Vice President. Wendy Motions to accept nomination. Connie 2nd. All in favor. Accepted. (Next year we will elect Officers).

2022 Budget was sent by Stan who was not present but is available to answer any questions. (Mitch has raised the point we may consider raising the line item for CWF with an increase to pay for lodging. This year the cost should be approximately $900 per person.)

Winterfest          $425.00

Award Pins         $400.00

Scholarships       $3,000.00

Camperships      $400.00

4H Camp Campership $400.00

CWF                      $400.00

National 4H Congress $400.00

4H Conference    $400.00

County Activities  $800.00

Building Maine (Fair) $50.00

Kitchen Equipment $300.00

Insurance            $1,000.00

Publications       $100.00

Barbara Tibbetts Campership $300.00

Contingency       $500.00

Connie Motions to accept, 2nd Ralph. All in favor. Accepted.

4H Trips

  • Congress: Lauren Pride and an Androscoggin County youth.
  • CWF: 30 applicants from 2020 will be considered and no new applications will be accepted in 2021. (CWF compared to previous prices. Because the 4H Conference Center is still closed due to the pandemic participants will be needing to stay in a hotel.)  This year the cost is $900 per person.

Mitch & Sara Updates

UMaine Ext Office hiring Master Gardener Coordinating for Cumberland and York Counties, they will be based in York County. Mitch said there is a tremendous amount of interest in poultry if a volunteer could help as a Leader. We are permitted to do in person events following CDC Guidelines.

Applications for the Agri-Science and Healthy Living Summit in Washington DC are now available due by Dec. 15th.


We have several SPIN Clubs currently and some new ones beginning  soon (Dog 9am Saturdays ZOOM starting 1/22, Galactica Quest 4p- 5p Mondays November 15, 22, 29 & December 6) and currently a Civic Engagement Club in Deering High School. A new Health SPIN Club begins in January through February after school.

Pat will not be at the January meeting.

Jenn motions to adjourn.

October 21, 2021

In attendance: Pat Stack, Jenn Grant, Sara Conant, Chris Baldinelli, Connie Wood, Nicole Foster, Wendy Gallagher

Secretary Report: Connie motions w/ correction. Wendy seconded. Accepted w/ corrections.

Old Business

Cumberland Fair

Pig Raffle: Melanie Lock, Mngr Blue Seal sent a letter of praise to the exemplary work Teague Fallon has done and offered support.
Drawing at 4pm on tickets?  Jenn suggests not to print on tickets ending sales early. Communicate to clubs, Sara suggested to turn in money prior to 3:30pm.
Who is responsible for getting the raffle pig to Windham Butcher? David Trafford did that for us this year.  Raffle Pig needs to be transported out of fairgrounds on Saturday and delivered to the butcher on Sunday or Monday. We will look for a volunteer for 2022.
Recycling Bins: $287.75 bins were not as full as in years past. Connie said some bins are in need of repair, she and Ralph have been mending but will need to continue.
Exhibit Hall: about half the number of typical entries this year. Continue drop off Thursday night and judging on Friday which worked well.
Auction: Went very well. Prices were good.
4H Kitchen: We did not have enough volunteers this year.  Some Leaders did not attend or cover shift at all. Stan will send a financial update on sales.
Mission Statement: Mitch will be here in November to help with this.

Survey to Leaders: Seeking questions to include. Pat will check in with County Leader’s Associations Presidents, there are 4 which are similar. Our best attended meetings are when the youth are presenting.

New Business

Winterfest: On November 3rd  there will be a Teen Council meeting. Likely will be a virtual event due to a lack of space and predictability in December.

Paul Merrill: Applications are due November 1st

Elections: Held at November meeting. We need 2  more Board Members and a Vice President. Chris Baldinelli, Kim Bragdon with the Rabbiteers and  Emily Ambrose from White Pine Caprines have expressed  a willingness to help by taking a Board Member position. Julie and Michelene’s terms are both ending. Sara will add to the November newsletter.

2022 Budget: Stan will bring this to the November Meeting.

Meeting Programming Topics 2022: CPR, Stop the Bleed, ARL are some ideas.


Covid 19 October 5th is most recent guidelines that were shared for indoor meetings. Masking is required and 3ft indoors social distance and 6ft if eating. Outside any number of participants.
Quizbowl Team will be going to Louisville, KY with Connie. November 4th.
Agriculture Leadership Special Interest Club Nov. 2nd – Dec. 14th virtual and in person trip to UMaine on Nov. 11th focusing on the basics of Maine agriculture. 1hr for 6wks, looking for more participants ages 14–18.
Leaders trained in 2020 – 2021 do not need an updated background check but anyone trained prior to 3 years will need to have an updated background check.
Project Records: When can youth resume using the old Project Records? Sara will email Lisa Phelps to see what the status is and if the Committee is still working on this or not.
Adjourned Meeting 8:24pm

November 18th  next meeting, no meeting in December, February, April & July we do not meet.

September 17, 2021

In attendance: Connie Wood, Pat Stack, Stanley Moreau, Ralph Clark, Sara Conant

Treasurer’s Report

Secretary’s Report

Old Business:

  1. Pig Raffle & Pig:

    1. Doing well; 3 weeks ago it was 240lbs;

    2. Drawing at 4:00PM on Saturday October 2nd – bring the crate of tickets over and announce on show ring loud speaker

      1. For 2022 print this on the ticket if possible

  2. Recycle Bottle Bins:

    1. Saturday Afternoon

  3. 4-H Kitchen

    1. Lots of slots open – info going out on Facebook early next week

    2. Price increase $.50-1 on most items, drinks all $2 for ease

    3. Contact Tracing Form – Sara to check with Carla Scocchi from Hancock about their food booth procedures; Sara will email those to Nicole & Pat

    4. Make sure to bring your own hat and masks; Sara has masks for them to use

    5. Do we need paper hats?

    6. Do we need to do a Facebook post for a refrigerator donation?

    7. Next Year – Banner to say 4-H Kitchen instead of snack bar on the arena

  4. Mission Statement Update for Closure of Topic

    1. Mitch has emailed the committee (Kristi Wright & Rachel Domin) about finishing this by Novembers annual meeting

New Business:

  1. Fair:

    1. Cleanup Day – went well, need to scrape paint around front of exhibit hall and repaint

    2. Exhibit Hall – 82 projects

    3. Fair Passes – Sara to double check fair passes from Cooper’s

  2. Winterfest

    1. Likely online to be safe

  3. Ideas for meeting topics

    1. ideas of things to do during Covid (outdoor family fun meetings); virtual meetings

  4. Recruitment of leaders to meetings – ? survey

    1. We need to do a survey

  5. Foundation

    1. doubling donations from Fryeburg Fair until end of the year – specify the animal commodity the money should go towards

Sara/Mitch Updates:

Eavan started as Admin Specialist

Adjourned at 8:01

May 20, 2021

In attendanceJenn Grant, Connie Wood, Kim Bragdon, Nicole Foster, Pat Stack, Sara Conant, Nicole Foster, Wendy Gallagher

Treasurer’s Report: Checking $10,087.63, Savings $29,928.18, Investment $23,608.30, Susan Grover $11,273.31, Pleasant River $1176.00.  Also $5,000 from the chicken program paid for the chicks has been received. All bills are paid

Secretary’s Report: Accepted

Guest Tim Schmidt from Cumberland County Extension Association and Cittizen’s Advisory Board of UMaine Extension. He began in 2019 and would like to learn more about the area that Mitch works in and is actively seeking new Board Members.

Pig Raffle: Connie donated the piglet, Teague Fallon raising the Pig & Windham Butcher Shop donating the processing. Wendy G can help if needed to oversee but it is a responsibility of the CCLA (last edited 2018). Stan lives in Durham near the family who is raising it and Pat will see if he can help to check in on them. In 2019 we ordered 4000 tickets for the raffle and in 2020 increased to 5000. 1500 tickets costed $77 last year so approx.$250 in cost. We ordered 10 posters last year with 4000 raffle tickets. ). Nicole motioned to order 5000, Connie seconded All in Favor.  Jenn will order 10 large signs again.

Chicken to Kitchen: 12 kids~ most kids have 10 birds. We bought 175 chickens May 1st now we have 168, 4 reimbursed due to passing in first 24hrs. Check in on Monday w/ photos and update. June 19th is butcher day in Sanford, food drive ongoing now. Teen Council is deciding if they will do an incentive or not. Distribution day will be June 21st and they will be dropped at food pantries. Sara to check on freezer and refrigeration logistics.

4H Kitchen: Blane and Lyle are going to build a plexiglass window. Hancock County and Oxford County have a food booth and are applying for permission to open with UMaine. We will get new information at the June meeting.

Eastern States Summer Fair: Youth may attend individually but not as a team. Each family is responsible for their own travel, lodging and meals July 26th – 29th “Summer Fair”.Jesse Brainerd sent an email out on 5/20 with registration information.

Mission Statement Update: Mitch, Kristie and Rachel are working on this.

Camperships 3 campership applications, 3 scholarship applications Notification will take place next week.

Leader’s Association Land: Tabled discussion.

Vice President Update Nominating committee could find a replacement if Pat planned on leaving otherwise we can wait until the elections in November.

CWF: No interviews this year for any trips. They are still working on possibly an in person Congress in November and hope to get back to in person trips in 2022. If previously selected applicants are still available and eligible to attend they will be invited.

Paul Merrill Fund No applications, due in May

Cumberland Fair & 4H In Person Updates  All the fairs are happening this year. Lisa Phelps and Dean Hannah Carter decided that as long as the Cumberland Fair agrees to comply with State regulations 4H can participate. Liz Tarrantino will share the guidelines with Sara once they are available. 5/24 effective outside at full capacity, 6ft distance no mask required but Leaders are encouraged to have youth be aware of their distances or keep masks on. Indoor masked with 6ft and over 20 permitted if space permits. 6/1 Farmer’s Club Annual Meeting more information to follow.

Dairy Quizbowl Tryouts: They do have a team and 3 members are from Cumberland County and one member from Penobscot County. They are hoping the QuizBowl will happen and are prepared!

Sarah and Mitch Updates:

We are restructuring the Extension Office to include a full time 4H Administrator Specialist paired with Food and Nutrition and have an automated reception position which is working well.

March 18, 2021

In attendance: Mitch Mason, Sara Conant, Wendy Gallagher, Pat Stack, Connie Wood, Jenn Grant, Sarah Sparks, Suzanne Guillemette, Guests: 4-Hers Kendall S. & Isabelle G.

Program: Fashion Revue Showcase – Isabelle G. made 4 face masks, Kendal S. made seatbelt pads/port pillows

Treasurer’s Report: None given

Secretary’s Report: Accepted

Old Business:

  1. $730 from Leaders Paypal to Keybank for Pig Raffle

  2. Pig Raffle: Connie has offered to donate it this year. Pig should arrive 1st week in May. Pat will be checking with Kristy to be sure Don & Nora still want to raise the pig. Windham Butcher is all set. Tickets need to be ordered – Jenn in charge of this – waiting to decide ticket numbers this year until May meeting.

  3. Reminder no April Meeting.

New Business:

  1. June Jamboree – Everyone schedules their own event with Lyle Merrifield – Suggestion from Jenn that maybe some of the commodities interested work together to pick the same day if interested.

  2. True Leaders in Service – Chicken to Kitchen – 175 chicks ordered. Using $1500 Shaws Nourishing Neighbors Funds as seed money. Using LA PayPal account to be managed by Rachel Domin for additional cash donations. Brooks Feed Supply in Brunswick donated 1000lbs of grain. Clubs will be asked to participate in food drive/donation drive to purchase additional food to be donated with chickens.

  3. Leaders Association land to be discussed at next meeting.

  4. Kitchen – still too early to make plans around that. Pat to talk to Blaine about having big window closed in more with screen across top, plexiglass in middle, sliding screen on bottom for food.

  5. ESE – dates set for July 26-28, meeting in April, Pat will get back about the possibilities – strictly showmanship in each commodity, keep other activities (quizbowl, etc.) for September.

  6. President – Kristi has submitted her letter of resignation. Pat will take over. Expressed concerns that she is not a current club leader so she feels she’s missing some pieces so Sara and Mitch and the whole association will provide support. Looking for VP to fill Pat’s spot.

  7. Paul Merrill – Isabelle needs to report back in – Connie connecting Isabelle’s mom Sue with Joan to see when the committee would like the report. Can do via Zoom and show the video she made.

  8. Voicebank Project – Fiona L. from All Star Dairy does a Voicebank Project – you record your voice to be used by assistive devices. Connie to send info to Sara for newsletter. Goes until May 15th.

  9. Merry Makers & All Star Dairy reported about meeting virtually.

Mitch/Sara Updates:

National 4-H Conference Center for sale

4-H @UMaine part of Summer Learning Series

Pandemic Project in the Fair – would anyone be interested in having a category for pandemic-related things in the fair

January 21, 2021 – Leaders Meeting

 In attendanceMitch Mason, Sara Conant, Christine Martel, Nicole Foster, Wendy Gallagher, Pat Stack, Jenn Grant, Kristy Wright, Dana Dotson Community Central Children and Families at Risk Grant, 4-H/CYFAR

Program: 4H True Leaders Equity Team presented about their backpack program for homeless teens. (Aidan Martel, Don Strawbridge, Marwo Sougue, Dana Dotson, Sadia Adaan). The group has contacted different youth homeless centers (they cannot speak directly to recipients), and have purchased shoes, cold weather outerwear and socks. They were awarded  $500.00 by “Dolphin Tank” and are working on creating a Venmo account to process donations. Many ideas came from the work done at True Leaders in Equity “Institute”.  Please visit and share instagram: @equityforall_portlandme to help grow awareness about this project. Donations of toiletry items or money may be taken to the UMaine office in Falmouth.

Secretary’s Report, Nicole: Jenn motions to accept minutes as written, seconded. All in favor. Accepted.

Budget, Stan: A link to the proposed budget was shared in the January newsletter. No changes. $11,475 proposed annual budget (2020 spent approx. $5,000 due to lack of in-person programming due to the pandemic).

Treasury: $ 13,263.56 checking ; $29,920.49 savings; $11,273.03 Susan Grover Fund; Pleasant  River CD needs to be cashed in, and $700 needs to go back for: $1,175.12; Harpwell Capitol $23,021.73 ($15K committed) Total: $78,653.93

Yesterday paid out 1st scholarship ($3500 coming out for 2 scholarships). Joane Hall + Gladys Moon= approx. $4K tagged to help as many 4Hers as possible

Connie motions to accept, Nicole seconds. All in favor. Budget accepted no changes.

Pig Raffle: Longhorn is taking orders now for piglets. Connie has offered to donate it this year to give Stan a break. We agreed we should hold the raffle in 2021. Pig should arrive 1st week in May. Wendy will help to identify a youth to raise the pig. Kristy will contact Windham Butcher tomorrow to do the Monday after the fair.

Winterfest: There is a video available of those who were recognized.

Teen Council: Meeting on Monday and seeing if they’d like to wait until May when larger groups can gather in open space.

Fashion Review, Jenn: This year will be a service project with a choice of making a hat, port pillow, mask, blanket. Knit, crochet, or sewn options and friends may join as well. At the March Leader’s meeting participants will be invited to present. Deadline will be April 1st to have projects completed.

Presentation Day: Connie and Mitch discussed a virtual event this year. Presenting pre recorded video at a senior center cannot happen but may be shared elsewhere perhaps. Youth will be encouraged to participate in the statewide event held in April.

June Jamboree: Not happening this year during the weekend that we normally hold the event due to a conflict at the Fairgrounds.

UMaine Covid Updates: No changes have been made since November and current guidelines will remain in effect through March 1st (20 people or less in an outdoor venue, preregistered w/ contact tracing, mask, socially distancing). If doing workshops make sure to keep the 2 groups separate.

Sara: CWF applications’ haven’t gone out yet. She’d like to change the format by simplifying and shortening the application process. We discussed keeping the interview and omitting the reference requirement. (*These changes would apply only to the virtual CWF event). Sara will inquire with the Awards Committee about making these changes for this years application. Campership & Scholarship applications will be in the Feb newsletter.

Mitch: Each year County Commissioner adopts budget, this year’s is lower. After pandemic is over he will invite youth to present to help remain relevant and visible. ME 4H Foundation Scholarships due March 1st to the office in Falmouth.

Feb 15th Healthy Living Summit no applicants.