Solutions & Resources

farmer using an assistive device to get onto his tractorIndividuals with a disability who work in an agricultural setting face challenges that can impact their productivity, mental and physical health, and quality of life. The Maine AgrAbility Project provides general resources that address farming with a disability. Use the navigation links (at left) to find solutions, some easy and budget-friendly, others more complicated and costly, to common challenges faced by agricultural workers with disabling conditions.

Farmers can take steps to reduce pain

Pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. Pain can often be a taboo topic, especially in physically demanding jobs like farming. Often, there is an expectation that pain associated with the physical work of farming, fishing, or forestry is to be expected.  Managing Pain on the Farm: A Tool for Farmers (PDF) Maine AgrAbility staff can assist you with a task analysis — what you’re doing and how you’re doing it — and suggest ways for you to continue to work using alternative actions or assistive technology.
Maine AgrAbility Work Safely, Keep Farming StickerPlease provide feedback on your use of the Pain Tool. This short google form will help us improve our efforts.
stop light image: Go = continue routine activities, ask PCP about preventative health steps; Caution = warm-up, stretch, and avoid strenuous activity, call AgrAbility for advice on adaptive tools and techniques; Stop = delegate or delay tasks, see your PCP

Preparing for Agricultural Worksite Assessments

Additionally, Maine AgrAbility provides agricultural worksite assessments for agricultural production workers. If you are curious about what to expect from an AgrAbility assessment, please review Preparing for Agricultural Worksite Assessments, or feel free to contact us at 207.944.1533 or

screenshot of Preparing for Agricultural Worksite Assessments