4.15.20 Mummy berry season is getting close April 15, 2020

Mummy berry season is getting close for 2020.  We have reports of bud swelling in different fields in the midcoast area. Time to start looking at your mummy berry plots. Please let me know how your mummy berry plot and plants are developing.  Contact: Seanna Annis sannis@maine.edu, 207-581-2621.

We have 11 of the 15 weather stations out in fields, and the last 4 will be put out this week. We will have 14 stations connected to the Agrinet app which will provide observed air temperature, leaf wetness, soil temperature and soil moisture and indicate possible  infection periods of mummy berry, Botrytis and frost events.  The app is available via this website which only works through a Chrome browser.  You can also get a mobile app for Andriod or iOS when you search in the App Store under “AgriNET”  Tuctronics.



locations where weather stations are located
Blueberry weather station locations in 2020, red markers have mummy berry plots