Mummy Berry

4.15.20 Mummy berry season is getting close April 15, 2020

Mummy berry season is getting close for 2020.  We have reports of bud swelling in different fields in the midcoast area. Time to start looking at your mummy berry plots. Please let me know how your mummy berry plot and plants are developing.  Contact: Seanna Annis, 207-581-2621. We have 11 of the 15 weather […]

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7.25.19 Time to put out Mummy Berry plots for next year

Now is the time to collect mummy berries to put out your own plot.  It is easy to set out plots and it will provide you with valuable information next spring on when the fungus is active in your field.  You will need to look at the plot in the spring about 2 times a […]

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5.16.19 Another Mummy Berry Infection May 15 to May 16

Hancock and Washington counties  There was another infection period from May 15 to May 16 in some areas. It depended upon the local temperatures and rain fall length which varied across the region. Please take account of those conditions in your field. Please let me know what your mummy berry plots are doing in these […]

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5.15.19 Mummy Berry Infection May 14 to May 15

Midcoast area I have reports of cups dried up and no new cups. Cups were starting to dry up last Thursday and Friday but were still present. I have no reports of cups in the midcoast area after last weekend (May 13). Most fields in this area were probably not affected unless there was a […]

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5.10.19 Mummy Berry Infection period May 10

I still have reports of some cups in the Midcoast area and Downeast is still in peak cup producing conditions. I suspect we are getting close to being done with cups early next week in some Midcoast areas. The rain across the state caused conditions for mummy berry infection period in all weather station locations. […]

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5.08.19 Mummy Berry Infection period May 7 to May 8

The rain across the state caused conditions for mummy berry infection period in all weather station locations. I think we are still in peak mummy berry spore producing in most locations. I have not had any reports of cups drying up and past. Plants will likely be susceptible unless you have a very late field. […]

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5.06.19 Mummy Berry Infection period, May 7 to May 8 & May 4 to May 6

Mummy berry infection periods were possible in some fields over the weekend.  Please see table below for fields in your area. Cups are still present in fields across the Midcoast and Washington counties.  There has been  a lot of variability in bud development reported.  Most fields are likely at the susceptible stage, but you should […]

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5.03.19 Mummy Berry Infection period, May 3 to May 4

Weather conditions for a mummy berry infection period were reported in all fields with weather stations.  Cups are present in fields across the Midcoast and Washington counties.  Most fields are reported to be at the susceptible stage, but you should check your field. If you have applied a fungicide in the past 7 days before […]

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