5.06.19 Mummy Berry Infection period, May 7 to May 8 & May 4 to May 6

Mummy berry infection periods were possible in some fields over the weekend.  Please see table below for fields in your area. Cups are still present in fields across the Midcoast and Washington counties.  There has been  a lot of variability in bud development reported.  Most fields are likely at the susceptible stage, but you should check your field.

If you have applied a fungicide in the past 7 days before May 4 (April 27) on your field would have been protected during this infection period.  You have approximately 48 to 72 hours from the start of the infection period to apply fungicides with some kickback activity (propiconazole or fenbuconazole) to protect your plants.

Field Start time of infection period, Sat. May 4 Start time of infection period, Sun. May 5
Waldoboro None 9pm
West Rockport 4:50pm 5:50pm
Appleton/ Hope None 9:40pm
Searsport None None
Ellsworth None None
Aurora None None
Eastbrook 8:40pm 9:50pm
Deblois None None
Columbia 8pm 8pm
Montegail None 11pm, probably <1hr
East Machias None 8:50pm
Crawford None None
Cooper 8:20pm None