Tag: Spotted Wing Drosophila

9.17.14 SWD Update from Frank Drummond

This past week (September 12) saw a sharp increase in the number of SWD trap captures, both in the Blue Hill Peninsula (70.2 flies/trap) and in the Jonesboro area (80.4 flies/trap). Infestation of fruit was found to be 6.4% in the Blue Hill Peninsula and only 0.5% in the Jonesboro area. If the weather warms […]

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8.19.14 SWD Update from Frank Drummond

Last week (August 19) SWD trap captures in both the Blue Hill and Jonesboro area remained stable with little change in adult captures compared to the previous week (Blue Hill = 10-20 flies/trap; Jonesboro = four to six flies/trap).  As of last week, we have not detected any SWD in fruit samples. We will be […]

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8.13.14 SWD Update from Frank Drummond

SWD adults are still being trapped in single numbers. This suggests that the population has not started to build yet, although it is anticipated that this might occur in the next seven-ten days.  As of yet, we have NOT yet found any wild blueberry fields that have SWD infested berries, although blueberry maggots have been […]

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9.03.13 Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)

SWD trap captures in Washington County remained steady and similar to last week. At the University of Maine Blueberry Hill Farm, we continue to capture anywhere from one to thirty flies per trap; and the proportion of fruit that has SWD larvae appears to be very low (less than 1%) as we still have not […]

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8.26.13 Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)

SWD trap captures continue to build throughout the state.  At the University of Maine Blueberry Hill Farm, we are now catching 10-30 flies/trap.  Traps in other areas Downeast are now capturing 30+ flies/trap.  These SWD continue to be mostly females; however, males appear to be making up a larger percentage than in previous weeks.  The […]

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8.20.13 Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)

This summer appears to be a bit different than last year, the first year that we experienced SWD. It does appear that SWD is starting to build, evidence being multiple captures of two to seven flies/trap with a few males being captured. However, the buildup appears to be slow and there are still several fields […]

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8.13.13 Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)

Trap captures of spotted wing drosophila continue to occur throughout the state BUT appear to have jumped up a bit. There are still some fields that have not had trap captures and many have had just the one or two SWD. However, late last week in southern Maine, trap captures jumped quickly with one small […]

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8.4.13 Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)

As of last week, trap captures of spotted wing drosophila continue to occur throughout the state. There have only been a few fields at this point where multiple flies are being caught. Most fields either have had NO trap captures yet OR just one or two SWD. We have identified SWD larvae in fresh fruit […]

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7.30.13 Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)

Trap captures of spotted wing drosophila continue to occur throughout the state. All blueberry growing regions have reports of SWD males and many fields have experienced multiple captures, indicating that reproduction is occurring and fruit infestation is taking place. But, let me be clear NOT ALL fields have captured SWD yet. On the other hand, […]

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7.25.13 Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)

More SWD has been captured in the Downeast growing area on the blueberry barrens. Male SWD was caught and confirmed in a few locations. At the University of Maine, Blueberry Hill Farm SWD have been caught in more locations throughout the fields there. So far our fruit sampling (several fields sampled yesterday) has not revealed […]

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