8.19.14 SWD Update from Frank Drummond
Last week (August 19) SWD trap captures in both the Blue Hill and Jonesboro area remained stable with little change in adult captures compared to the previous week (Blue Hill = 10-20 flies/trap; Jonesboro = four to six flies/trap). As of last week, we have not detected any SWD in fruit samples. We will be sampling the traps and fruit again early this week (August 26) and let you know what we are finding. We suspect that fruit infestation will start to occur fairly soon, at least in the Blue Hill area. If you have not harvested your fields yet, please maintain your SWD trapping program.
Please contact David Yarborough at davidy@maine.edu or Frank Drummond at fdrummond@maine.edu if you any questions and/or concerns.