Seafood HACCP Alliance Segment II Course

striped bass on iceFriday, December 13, 2024 (in-person)
8 am – 5 pm
Cumberland County Cooperative Extension Office
75 Clearwater Dr., Suite 104
Falmouth, ME

Class is full to be placed on a waiting list please send an email to

Cost: $150 in Maine, $185 out of state  (includes certificate)
Only 20 spots are available. Participants must have completed Segment I online through Cornell no more than 9 months prior to attending this Segment II course at UMaine.

Participants will NOT be admitted into the course without a physical copy of the Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guide, 4th Edition (June 2022), which can be purchased at

Each attendee must have a copy of the guide.

Segment I must be completed online through Cornell University by December 6, 2024. BEFORE attending this UMaine Segment II training. Segment I can be completed online at Completion notices are manually generated and only issued during normal business hours and excluding holidays, so please plan accordingly when completing the online segment one training. Please forward that confirmation email to Theresa Tilton at at least 3 full business days prior to attending the UMaine Segment II training. This email is part of the package sent to AFDO in order to issue certificates of completion, which will be emailed to participants directly from AFDO.

Prior to attending Segment II, the instructors expect that participants have read sections of the Fish and Fishery Products Hazards and Controls Guide.


  • Jason Bolton, Associate Dean and Program Leader for Food and Nutrition, UMaine Cooperative Extension
  • Gulsun Akdemir Evrendilek, Associate Extension Professor and Seafood Technology and Food Safety Specialist
  • For more information, please contact Theresa Tilton at or 207.942.7396 or 1.800.287-1485 (in Maine).


8:00 AM – Check-in

  • Coffee, Tea and pastries

8:30 AM – Introductions

8:45 AM – Orientation, Course Objectives and Introductions

  • Review: FDA Seafood HACCP Regulation 21 CFR Part 123 (30min)
  • Review: The 7 Principles of HACCP (15min)
  • Review: Seafood Safety Hazards in the FDA Hazards Guide (60min)

10:30 AM – Break and Roll-Call (15min)

10:45 AM – Review: Preliminary Steps (15min)

  • Overview of the preliminary steps to developing a HACCP plan: HACCP Team, Product Description, and Flow Diagram & Process Narrative.
  • Introduction to HACCP Alliance forms: Product Description

11:00 AM – Group Work Session 1: Preliminary Steps (20min)

Randomized pre-selected groups will be assigned one of the selected new models.

  • Review product flow diagram and process narrative
  • Complete product description form

11:20 AM – Conducting a Hazard Analysis with the FDA Hazards Guide (60 min)

  • Overview using Hazard Guide – hazard tables, chapter format and Appendices
  • Review of XYZ Seafood Mahi-Mahi used as an example to demonstrate the use of the guide, organizing hazards and introduction to Hazard Analysis form.

12:20 PM – Lunch (40 min)

1:00 PM – Group Work Session 2: Hazard Analysis (60min)

  • Each group will conduct a HA for their model and identify relevant CCP’s

2:00 PM – Building a HACCP Plan with the FDA Hazards Guide (45min)

  • Review how to develop a HACCP plan by following the selected control strategies.
  • Guide students through the use of the hazards guide to select all necessary components of a HACCP Plan. (Histamine chapter as an example)

2:45 PM   – Group Work Session 3: HACCP Plan (60 min)

3:45 PM   – Presentation and Discussion of Group Work Sessions (60min)

4:45 PM   – Wrap-Up, Student information sheet and evaluation

Group participation is mandatory!

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