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How to Grow Tomatoes: Differences Between Bush and Vining (YouTube)

University of Maine Cooperative Extension vegetable specialist Mark Hutton discusses the differences between bush (determinate) and vining (indeterminate) tomato plants, and tips for getting the best yields from each.

How to Grow Tomatoes: Staking (YouTube)

University of Maine Cooperative Extension demonstrates the best way to stake individual tomato plants.

Caging Individual Tomato Plants (YouTube)

University of Maine Cooperative Extension shows the difference between different types of tomato cage supports.

How to Grow Tomatoes: Basket Weave (YouTube)

University of Maine Cooperative Extension vegetable specialist Mark Hutton demonstrates how to utilize the basket weave system for growing tomatoes, and discusses the benefits of the technique.

How to Grow Tomatoes: Trellis (YouTube)

University of Maine Cooperative Extension demonstrates different techniques for trellising tomatoes, and provides care tips for your plants.

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