Knox-Lincoln 4-H Newsletter–November 2022
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Upcoming Events and Important Dates
November 8 KLLA Meeting, 6 pm, Extension office, Waldoboro, and Zoom
November 11 UMaine Unconference by and for 4-H volunteers, Southern Maine
December 13 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, Extension office, Waldoboro, and Zoom
December 15 Re-enrollment paperwork due at KL Extension
November Birthday
Happy Birthday to Mariyah L.!
Re-enrollment Time—A New Online Option
Please check with your club leader before using the online option. Some leaders prefer to complete enrollment forms together as a club.
ZSuite is a new 4-H enrollment option available for families for the new 4-H Year. Current families can now log into their ZSuite account and complete their re-enrollment, as well as all required forms, online. If you were enrolled for the 2021-2022 year, you can simply visit the ZSuite website > “Forgot Password?” and complete the prompts using the email address where you receive your 4-H communications.
If you have new members, OR if you would prefer to use paper forms, reach out to this office.
Once you are logged into ZSuite, there is a help menu that offers step-by-step instructions in the system, as well as live chat for questions. You are also welcome to reach out to your county staff or to the State Office at Re-enrollments are due December 15.
4-H Year-End Celebration 2022
Thanks to all who attended the 2022 Knox-Lincoln 4-H Year-End Celebration on October 16 at Beaver Lodge in Hope. It was wonderful to see everyone in person on a beautiful fall day to celebrate the accomplishments of Knox-Lincoln 4-H members for the past year!
A presentation was given by Anthony D. about his participation in Citizenship Washington Focus this past summer. It sounds like it was a very impactful trip to our nation’s capital.
Members of the Aldermere Achievers 4-H Club gave us all an update about their club’s upcoming trip to Louisville, Kentucky, to participate in the North American International Livestock Exposition. Best of luck to them!
The Diamond Clover Award was presented to Cindy Rogers in recognition of her 20 years of service to 4-H.
Being honored for 35 years of volunteer service to 4-H was Vonnie Drown. During those years, Vonnie kept her own kids involved in 4-H, and then her grand-daughter as well. She has held officer positions in the Knox-Lincoln Leaders’ Association and has spent many hours judging project records and helping with large events. This year she took the leadership role in reviving 4-H Farm-to-Fair and leading our group of youth helpers in that exhibit. Vonnie was presented with the Sapphire Clover Award.
Two Cloverbuds graduated to regular member status at the event: Charlie C. and Reecie L. One member was recognized for the achievement of completing thirteen years as an active 4-H member: Arianna C.
Leader-nominated awards included Leadership: Adam E., Team Player: Kyra B., Citizenship: Anthony D., Community Service: Jolly Farmers 4-H Club. The 4-H Character Award went to Anthony D.
We received sixteen Project Records and two Cloverbud Activity Records this year. Each project submitted earned members a $20.00 gift card to Tractor Supply Co. Stores. The two regular members with the top scoring record at each age level earned an additional $20.00 gift card. Thank you to our judges, Linda Bonin, Vonnie Drown, and Cindy Rogers. Congratulations, everyone!
1 Year
Aiden B. Jolly Juniors Cloverbud BLUE
Adriana B. Jolly Juniors Cloverbud BLUE
Mariyah L. Jolly Farmers Rabbit BLUE
Outstanding Junior Record
2 Years
Arora E. Jolly Farmers Crafts BLUE
3 Years
Hayden C. Aldermere Achievers Beef BLUE
Natalie C. Aldermere Achievers Beef BLUE
Carson D. Independent Games & Toys BLUE
Outstanding Junior Record
6 Years
Kyra B. Jolly Farmers Entrepreneurship BLUE
8 Years
Isabelle B. Aldermere Achievers Beef BLUE
Outstanding Intermediate Record
Sabrinnah D. Jolly Farmers Goat BLUE
Sabrinnah D. Jolly Farmers Entomology BLUE
Outstanding Intermediate Record
Sabrinnah D. Jolly Farmers Poultry BLUE
Outstanding Intermediate Record
Paytyn D. Independent Art BLUE
Adam E. Aldermere Achievers Beef BLUE
Adam E. Aldermere Achievers Sheep BLUE
10 Years
Anthony D. Jolly Farmers Rabbit BLUE
Outstanding Senior Record
Jeremy D. Jolly Farmers Mechanical Science BLUE
Outstanding Senior Record
13 Years
Arianna Cloutier Independent Photography BLUE
Photography Contest Winners
25 photographs were entered into the 2022 KL 4-H Photography Contest. The entries with the top six scores in each age group (listed below) will have their turn as cover pic on the KL 4-H Facebook page in 2023! Those twelve photos will also be printed and hung in the 4-H Gallery in the lobby of the Knox-Lincoln Extension office! Thank you to our judges: Tori Jackson, Extension Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources and owner of Tori Lee Jackson Photography, and Gretchen Gee, Parent Educator with the Maine Families program and photography enthusiast. Congratulations to all!
- Icy Ford by Jeremy D.
- Summer Bloom by Sabrinnah D.
- Knight Bus Reflection by Kyra B.
- K9 by Adam E.
- September Sky by Sabrinnah D.
- Butterfly by Arora E., Senior
- Fiery Dusk by Kyra B.
- Airplane by Arianna D.
- Fairy Tears by Sabinnah D.
- Squirrel Profile by Arora E.
- Ice Mutant by Sabrinnah D.
- Squirrel Looking at Camera by Arora E.
Congrats to the Maine Beef Team!
Congratulations to the Maine 4-H Beef Team for placing first in the 4-H Beef Overall Sweepstakes at Eastern States Exposition 2022! Competition included 4-H teams from Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, and New Hampshire.
Oxton Trust Applications Due January 30 for All of 2023
Through the generosity and foresight of Robert Oxton, the Oxton Trust Fund was established to support 4-H youth development programs and activities in Knox and Lincoln Counties. The funds are available annually. Clubs, volunteers, and members should anticipate what funds they expect to request for the entire 2023 calendar year and apply for funds to the Oxton Trust Committee by January 30, 2023.
If a club, volunteer, or member discovers a need for funds later in 2023, a special meeting of the committee can be called, and an application considered at any time. Funds available for mid-year requests, however, will be more limited.
Grants may be awarded for 4-H youth development programs and projects falling into one of the following areas: leadership, youth development and special programs. Applications can be submitted by 4-H staff, volunteers or members enrolled in the Knox and Lincoln Counties 4-H program. Download the Oxton Trust application form online or request a paper copy by contacting the Knox-Lincoln Extension office.
Independent Member Clubs!
This fall county offices are piloting a new club specifically for independent 4-H members. This is a space for youth to come together and build relationships with their peers. We will share interests, projects, goals, and plans for the year and then reflect on our learning throughout and at the end of the year. This is also a great place to start if you are a new or recently enrolled independent member. We will meet three times throughout the year as a group with county staff. This will be a space for youth to foster friendships with peers and possibly come together to work on projects of similar interests. We are even hoping to get the group to brainstorm common interests and work together on a community service project!
Register for Independent Member Clubs! Meetings can be attended either in person or virtually and will be open to all ages. Dates based on county/region.
2022/2023 4-H Volunteer Training Opportunities
As we get ready for the new 4-H year, we are looking forward to offering a variety of learning experiences (both in person and virtual) for our 4-H volunteers. Sessions are free of charge but require registration. Some sessions have limited space. Visit the 4-H Volunteer Calendar of Training Opportunities to learn more and register!
Register Now for the 4-H Unconference
UMaine 4-H Unconference (in-person) will be an organized forum for 4-H volunteers, club leaders, afterschool providers, teachers, parents and teen leaders to gather. UMaine 4-H Unconference is intentionally designed to have YOU teach and learn from each other. There is no agenda; you come with 4-H ideas and topics you want to talk about or learn more about, and we’ll guide the process to get folks into groups where YOU are the experts. The last date: Friday, November 11 in Southern Maine. Register for the 4-H Unconference online.
Androscoggin-Sagadahoc 4-H Monthly Workshops Open to All Maine 4-Hers!
Come join the Androscoggin and Sagadahoc counties 4-H program at their monthly workshops—the Third Friday of every month (unless otherwise noted) from 6:00-7:30 pm at the Lisbon Extension Office at 24 Main Street. Anyone interested can contact or to find out more information.
Currently Scheduled Topics:
– November 18, 2022 – Card Making
– December 16, 2022 – Game Night
– January 20, 2023 – “Getting the Word Out” Digital Marketing
– February 17, 2023 – Short Film Making
– March 10, 2023 – Spa & Relaxation Science
– April 21, 2023 – Movie Premier Night
– May 19, 2023 – Wool Spinning Workshop
EFNEP Recipe of the Month: Holiday Season
By Debbie Barnett, EFNEP CEA in Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, and Waldo counties—
The holiday season is upon us! While there are many ways we celebrate this time of year, there is one constant theme: food. Whether it’s creating it, sharing it, or giving it, food brings us all together. I have gathered a few special fall and Thanksgiving themed recipes below to share with your friends and family this holiday season:
Butternut Squash Bisque
Roasted Turkey
Mashed Potatoes
Roasted Vegetables
Easy Stuffing
Turkey Gravy (Gluten Free Gravy)
Baked Apple Crisp
For more delicious recipes, check out our UMaine EFNEP Mainely Dish Video Series . Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) offers FREE nutrition education classes to income-eligible adults with children, or young adults 19-25 years old, and if you are eligible for programs such as SNAP, WIC, or Head Start.