Section 4.4 Accomplishment Reports / Project Reports

University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s State Plan of Work will be expressed in the Logic Model format, as required by USDA/NIFA. Our initial Maine State plan will be consolidated from the programming intentions of groups and individuals for work each Federal fiscal year, also expressed in the Logic Model format. Our consolidated state plan of work will be submitted to USDA/NIFA annually as a requirement of receiving Smith-Lever funding.

To facilitate online planning and reporting we have partnered with Extension programs from Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont to develop a comprehensive online planning and reporting system that allows for entry of group and individual Plans of Work in the Logic Model format, and reporting against those plans. In Maine the system is called the Planning and Reporting System (PRS).

All University of Maine Cooperative Extension faculty and programming professionals are required to report into the MPRS. Annual reports are due October 15 for the previous Federal year (October 1 through September 30). Program Administrators also use these reports to keep abreast of the educational progress and impacts of programs, and maintain accountability to multiple stakeholders.

Each year we are also required to submit an Annual Report of Accomplishments to NIFA. The state performance report fulfills the second major requirement for continued funding of the Federal share of the Extension budget. The report is developed from information taken from MPRS reporting data and is a major vehicle for informing people of Extension’s program accomplishments. Other reports of targeted programs, specially funded projects and other items of particular interest to Extension administration, university administration and NIFA, are requested of Extension employees as needed.