Section 2.12 Guidelines for Food Service Vendors

Food Service for employees and/or program participants: Determining when a service contract and Insurance certificate are required and special guidelines for non-commercial food.

Please note:

  • These guidelines apply no matter the method of payment (MarketPlace, Travel Card, etc.) or source of funds (University funds, grants, gifts, etc).
  • All other purchasing policies apply (no sales tax, no alcoholic beverages, etc.).

Off-site Commercial Food Service: University funds are used to pay for employee or participant meals in a restaurant or food service facility.

A service agreement is NOT required if:

  • participants order off of the menu or eat from a buffet along with the general public.

A service agreement and insurance certificate ARE required if:

  • the vendor is a caterer;
  • there is an exclusive element such as a private meeting room, special food, or a special menu;
  • there is consistent or regular use of a specific vendor during a year.

On-site Commercial Food Service: University funds are used to pay for employee or participant meals in a University-owned or contracted facility.

A service agreement is NOT required if:

  • meals are provided for 10 or fewer participants.

A service agreement and insurance certificate ARE required if:

  • the vendor is a caterer;
  • meals are provided for more than 10 participants;
  • there is a service element; for example, the vendor sets up food service tables or serves the food.

Non-commercial Food: Employee purchased or contributed food, participant purchased or contributed food, potlucks.

A service agreement is NOT required, though special guidelines do apply:

  • while purchase or contributions of pre-packaged food by employees or participants are fine, avoid foods that need to be kept cold or kept warm;
  • food prepared in home kitchens should be avoided;
  • potlucks are allowed for employees only.

Reviewed and approved by Adam Green (UMS Risk Manager) and Kevin Carr (UMS Procurement Manager)