Waldo County 4-H Newsletter – January 2020
4-H on the Move
A Monthly Newsletter for Waldo County 4-H Members and Volunteers
Download the PDF: Waldo 4-H Newsletter 2020-01
Table of Contents
- Upcoming Dates
- County News
- 4-H Leaders’ Assoc.
- Inclement Weather
- Public Speaking Opportunity
- County Club News
- State News
- 4-H Animal Science Bonanza
- Citizenship Washington Focus
- Eastern States Intent to Participate
- 4-H Page Day
- State Dairy Quizbowl
- Winter BOW Program
- Post-Secondary Scholarships
- 2020 Maine 4-H Days
- 4-H Science Saturdays are Returning in 2020!
- 4-H Teen Dance Planning Committee
- Maine 4-H Project Records Survey
- Camp Scholarships
- National 4-H Dairy Conference
- Summit Delegates
Upcoming Dates
1/10: ESE Beef Team Intent to Participate forms due
1/11: Animal Science Bonanza (Walpole, NH)
1/31: 2020 Citizenship Washington Focus Applications due
2/1: ESE Intent to Participate forms due for dairy, horse, sheep, dog, and goat teams
2/6: 4-H Leaders’ Association Monthly Meeting
2/6: 4-H Page Day (Part of UMaine Day at the Legislature)
2/15: Maine 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Tryouts
2/17: Cooperative Extension Office Closed
2/19: 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus Applicant Interviews
2/29: Penobscot County 4-H Public Speaking Tournament
3/1: Maine 4-H Foundation Post-Secondary Scholarship Applications Due
County News
4-H Leaders’ Association
The Waldo County 4-H Leaders’ Association is a group of 4-H volunteers who work to promote 4-H by working with the Waldo County 4-H staff to disseminate content, support county projects, and provide consideration for problems, projects, and policies related to county 4-H work. All enrolled 4-H volunteers are part of the 4-H Leaders’ Association and are welcome to attend the monthly meetings. The Waldo County 4-H Leaders’ Association meets on the first Thursday of each month at the Waldo County Cooperative Extension office at 10:00am.
Inclement Weather and Extension Office Closures
UMaine Extension offices gauge office closures in accordance with the nearest University Campus. Office closures happen when inclement weather or non-weather-related issues come up and may require the office to close. The Waldo County Extension typically follows UMaine Frederick Hutchinson Center for inclement weather purposes.
Please note there are times when an office may have to close even though the respective University Campus is in session and or not in session. The best practice is to call your local county Extension office to see if the office is open for business or if a program has been cancelled or rescheduled.
Public Speaking Opportunity
Waldo County 4-H members have been invited to participate in the Penobscot County Public Speaking Tournament on February 29 at 10:00 am at the Penobscot County Cooperative Extension office. Participants will compete against other 4-H members to qualify for a chance to compete at the Maine State 4-H Public Speaking Tournament in April. For more information on public speaking 4-H projects visit https://extension.umaine.edu/4h/public-speaking/ or call 207.342.5971.
County Club News

Photos by Laura Bissell
State News
Save the Date! 4-H Animal Science Bonanza
4-H Animal Science Bonanza – January 11th, 2019 Walpole, NH
January 11, 2020 9:00 am – 3:00 pm, at the Walpole Elementary School, 8 Bemis Rd, Walpole, NH. This 4-H program will have beef, sheep, goat, dairy, and horse workshops with guest speakers. To register – go online to extension.unh.edu/events/4-h-animal-science-bonanza-registration-information by January 6, 2020.
For more information contact Andrea, Extension Field Specialist, 603.352.4550 or andrea.sawyer@unh.edu.
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF)
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) is a 4-H leadership program for high school youth, ages 15-19, from across the country. Take your 4-H experience to another level through Citizenship Washington Focus, a six-day intensive summer citizenship program for youth. CWF delegates learn about the democratic process and their role as citizens while they experience our nation’s capital. Get the inside scoop about how government really works from prominent guest speakers and interact with Maine’s state senators and representatives and/or their staffers.
Program fellows lead bill writing workshops, as well as a national issues forum and mock elections. There are congressional sessions that prepare youth for leadership now and in the future.
Waldo County youth who are interested in attending the Citizenship Washington Focus program this summer can obtain an application by contacting the Waldo County Cooperative Extension office or by visiting: extension.umaine.edu/waldo/4h/forms/.
Waldo County CWF applications are due at the Waldo County Cooperative Extension office by January 31st, 2020. Applicants will be expected to participate in an in-person interview on February 19th, 2020.
Eastern States Intent to Participate Forms
4-H members who wish to attend Eastern States Exposition need to submit their intent to participate forms by the deadline specified for their commodity (see below). Please go to the Animal Science Resources page for more information, forms, and submission directions: extension.umaine.edu/4h/animal-science-resources/. Contact the appropriate county Cooperative Extension person below for additional information.
Dairy: due 2/1/2020
Tara Marble, Franklin County Extension
207.778.4650 or tara.marble@maine.edu
Horse: due 2/1/2020
Kristy Ouellette, Androscoggin-Sagadahoc Ext.
207.581.8202 or kristy.ouellette@maine.edu
Beef: due 1/10/2020
Mari Glatter, Aroostook County Extension, Houlton
207.532.6548 or mari.glatter@maine.edu
Sheep: due 2/1/2020
Judy Smith, Franklin County Extension
207.778.4650 or judy.smith@maine.edu
Dog: due 2/1/2020
Sheila Norman, Penobscot County Extension
207.564.3301 or sheila.norman@maine.edu
Goat: due 2/1/2020
Kathryn Jensen, Knox-Lincoln Extension
207.832-0343 or kathryn.a.jensen@maine.edu
4-H Page Day in Augusta – February 6, 2020
UMaine Day at the Legislature, Thursday, February 6, is approaching. It’s a day where Cooperative Extension gets to highlight our awesome programs, and 4-H is one of the best! Since legislators like to see 4-H members from their districts, 4-H’ers (age 13 or older) are encouraged to serve as Honorary Pages. The Maine 4-H program has up to 30 slots for Honorary Pages.
What does a page do? Legislators are constantly communicating and making decisions while in session and pages make that communication possible. Pages hand out information packets or place the paper information on their desks. Pages will also run communication and documents directly from legislator to legislator. It’s fast paced and pages will be moving around the chambers quite a bit, taking direction from the Clerks. We will meet at 8:30 for 4-H pictures and an orientation. Then at 9:00am we will divide our group with one going to the House and the other to the Senate where each group will receive their instructions. Session will begin by 10:00 am and will likely conclude around 12:30 pm, but the timing is never certain.
NEW: Bicentennial Exploration with the Maine State Museum! The Museum will host our group from 1:30-3:00pm with a free interactive learning series they have developed around documents and artifacts from 200 years ago- giving everyone a new understanding of the process Maine underwent to achieve statehood. The voting might surprise you! What were the moral implications of Maine achieving statehood? Statehood is a messy process and we’re diving into it! Their Bicentennial exhibit will not yet be open, so they are offering us a sneak peek!
If you are interested in serving as a page, lease email Alisha Targonski at alisha.r.targonski@maine.edu with the subject line “Page Day.”
We would love to pages from all over the state represented. Slots, representing different state senators and representatives, will be filled in the order they are received, but the final deadline is January 31. If the slot for your legislative district has been filled, your name will be added to a wait list in the order it is received. Your slot will only be reserved if you send this complete information:
- Full Name
- Current Age
- Mailing Address, Town, Zip Code
- County (find it here: type town name into google.com)
- Phone Number
- Email Address (this is how we will send you your confirmation)
- Name of your School/Homeschool
- Name of your 4-H Club
- Name of your Maine State Representative (find it here: legislature.maine.gov/house/house/MemberProfiles/ListAlphaTown)
- Name of your Maine State Senator (find it here: legislature.maine.gov/senate/find-your-state-senator/9392)
- Name of your Adult Chaperone
- Adult Chaperone’s cell phone number
4-H Honorary Pages will be in the Capitol from 8:30am– 3:00pm. A parent or 4-H volunteer must provide transportation and chaperoning. If you have questions, please let Alisha know at alisha.r.targonski@maine.edu.
State Dairy Quizbowl Tryouts
The Maine State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl contest will take place on February 15th at the University of Maine at Augusta, Room 218, Randall Student Technology Center (RSTC). The contest will begin at 10:00am. This contest is open to all currently enrolled 4-H dairy project members ages 9-18. There will be two divisions: Jr. (ages 9-11) and Sr. (ages 12-18). The results of the Sr. division will determine the 2020 Eastern States 4-H Dairy Quiz bowl team. Please contact the Waldo County Cooperative Extension office with any questions.
Winter Becoming an Outdoors Woman Program
The 2020 Winter Becoming an Outdoors Woman program will be held on February 21-23, 2020 at Bryant Pond 4-H Camp and Learning Center, 17 Conservation Lane, Bryant Pond ME 04219 in Oxford County. This fun weekend is geared towards women seeking new ways to get outdoors, meet new friends, and challenge themselves. All meals and lodging are provided and space is limited to 36 participants.
FMI: extension.umaine.edu/bryantpond/adult-programs/becoming-an-outdoors-woman/becoming-an-outdoorswoman-winter-skills-weekend/ or call 207.665.2068.
Post-Secondary Scholarships
The Maine 4-H Foundation provides a number of scholarships for graduating seniors. The applications are found on line and are due in the county office by March 1 and to the Maine 4-H Foundation by March 8th. Please see the rubric and application requirements on line at extension.umaine.edu/4hfoundation/funding/.
Camp Scholarships Available
The Maine 4-H Foundation has camp scholarships ranging from $100-$200 available for 4-H members to any one week of 4-H camp. Try one of our University of Maine 4-H Camp and Learning Centers at Blueberry Cove, Bryant Pond, Greenland Point and Tanglewood. Call the camps to ask for a scholarship. Scholarships are based on need and first come, first serve. extension.umaine.edu/4h/camps/
Save the Date for 2020 Maine 4-H Days
Maine 4-H Days will take place July 16 – 19, 2020 at the Windsor Fairgrounds. If you are interested in helping to plan next year’s event, please contact Jessy Brainerd at jessica.brainerd@maine.edu or 207.581.3877.
4-H Science Saturdays are Returning in 2020!
Thanks to the generous support of the Maine 4-H Foundation, we will be offering opportunities for middle/early high school aged youth to visit the UMaine campus for targeted science or engineering experiences! Science Saturday programs run from 10 AM – 1:30 PM, and include time for youth to engage in hands-on activities with professors and current UMaine students, as well as time for lunch in a UMaine dining hall!
We need your input! What topics should we offer? Please let us know by filling out the survey here: umaine.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9pN1is3NtSzne4J.
4-H Statewide Teen Dance Seeks Planning Committee Members
There is a small group of 4-H members who would like to plan a statewide formal dance for teen 4-H members across the state. We are looking for teen volunteers who would like to be a part of the planning committee for this winter event. FMI please contact Maddie Gray at maddicus83@gmail.com.
Maine 4-H Project Records Survey
The final survey regarding the Maine 4-H Project Records is available. You are invited to participate in a statewide research project being conducted by Kristy Ouellette and Jennifer Lobley, Extension Educators at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. This is the third of three surveys. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete an on-line survey with questions pertaining to your attitudes and beliefs regarding 4-H project records in Maine. The survey will take you approximately 20 minutes to complete. You will be entered in for a drawing of a Hannaford Gift Card. The survey is available here: umaine.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_78SczkYK7t5bMIl.
National 4-H Dairy Conference
The 66th National 4-H Dairy Conference will be held September 27 to September 30, 2020 in Madison, Wisconsin. It will be held in conjunction with World Dairy Expo and attendees will have the chance to visit Expo as part of the conference agenda. Additionally, the conference will offer opportunities to learn more about careers in agriculture, seminars on dairy topics, and a wealth of chances to interact with dairy 4-H members from across the country.
More info about the conference can be found here (check back for updates as they happen): national4hdairyconference.org/2018/11/07/join-us-in-2019/.
The Maine 4H Animal Science Dairy Committee would love to try and send/support a team of motivated kiddos who are involved with the Dairy Goat or Dairy Cattle Project Areas for this very unique and meaningful opportunity.
The National 4H Dairy Conference requires that 4H team members have spent at least three years in those project areas and be at least 15 years old but not yet older than 18 (4-H age).
We are also looking for potential VOLT Chaperones who might like to help organize and facilitate this trip. If we have an idea of how many kids are interested we can plan our fundraising efforts accordingly. Interested parties can contact Tara marble at tara.marble@maine.edu, or 207-778-4650 at the Franklin County Office.
Congratulations to the Agri-Science & Healthy Living Summit Delegates for 2020
In early December, delegates were chosen to attend the National Youth Agri-Science and Healthy Living Summit Trips to be held in Washington, D.C. this Winter. Summits provide an opportunity for youth to learn more about their own sparks and create an action plan to bring back to Maine to teach or provide resources for area youth. These ten scholarship spots are generously funded by the Maine 4-H Foundation.
Congratulations to Agri-Science delegates Noah B. (Cumberland), Owen B. (Penobscot), Natalie D. (Cumberland), Susannah H. (Piscataquis), and Rachel W. (Cumberland)!
Congratulations to Healthy Living Summit delegates Kalayaan C. (York), Nathan D. ( Knox/Lincoln), Maddie G. (Androscoggin/Sagadahoc), Jordyn M. (Androscoggin/Sagadahoc), Samuel P. (Washington), with Grace T. (York) as an alternate!
If you have any questions about these Summit Trips or would like more information about applications for next year, please contact Sara Conant, sara.conant@maine.edu or Alisha Targonski, alisha.r.targonski@maine.edu about Healthy Living, and Tara Marble, tara.marble@maine.edu about Agri-Science.