Maine Harvest for Hunger


  • Choose: Plump, unblemished fruits with a distinct tomato smell. One medium tomato chopped equals about 1/2 cup.
  • Store: Tomatoes that are unripe but slightly pink should be stored in indirect light or in a paper bag to ripen. Ripe tomatoes should be kept in the refrigerator and used within a week.
  • How to use: Wash well and eat raw or cooked in your favorite recipe.

For more recipes, nutrition, and preparation information, visit the Tomatoes, Bulletin #4178 – part of UMaine Extension’s Vegetables and Fruits for Health series (includes “how to” video).

For information about preserving tomatoes, visit the Let’s Preserve Tomatoes, Bulletin #4085 (includes “how to” video), and Canning Fruits & Tomatoes In a Boiling-Water-Bath Canner, Bulletin #4381.

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For more information about Harvest for Hunger, contact your local county Extension office or complete and submit our contact form.

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