National Assistive Technology Resources
The Toolbox: Assistive Technology Database — A comprehensive database of assistive technology ideas from the National AgrAbility Project website. The Toolbox database contains assistive technology solutions for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities.
The National Public Website on Assistive Technology — provides AT resources and devices that are organized by function or disability.
Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access — provides resources and information about assistive and universally designed technologies in real-world environments.
Assistive Technology Exchange in and around Massachusetts — Here you can look for or list Assistive Technology devices for sale or for free. This online public database reflects the inventory of devices currently available.
disABILITY WORK TOOLS — Work to your potential, in spite of disabilities, aging or injuries. The web’s most consultative source for adaptive tools.
Dr. Therese Willkomm is the director of Assistive Technology in New Hampshire (ATinNH) at the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disability. She’s also a Clinical Assistant Professor in UNH’s Department of Occupational Therapy. She’s built a national reputation for innovating home, school, and worksite accommodations that have earned her the nickname, “The MacGyver of Assistive Technology.”
These links are provided purely for educational purposes. No responsibility is assumed for any content on the linked site.