5.29.19 Weather Station App & Frost Event, Morning of May 28


Some fields in Hancock and Washington counties had a frost event (temperatures below 32F) in the early morning of Tuesday May 28.  Please see table below to see which areas had recorded frost conditions. Even if a weather station did not report temperatures less than 32F, there still may have been frost in low lying areas or with wind chill. Frost events have occurred earlier in May and we where we have looked in the midcoast area, we found the occasional leaf that was damaged by frost as it was  developing. I suspect the same happened in Hancock and Washington counties.

New App and Website for Weather Stations 

As mentioned in the newsletter, there is a new map-based website available to provide up-to-date information collected by the weather stations. It is available as a website: https://app.agrinet.us/ which only works with the Chrome web browser ( click here to download Chrome).  There is also an App for a smartphone (Android or iOS).  Please search for “AgriNET” made by Tuctronics in your app store.

The login is below and is case sensitive.



Once you are logged in, click on “Map.” Weather stations showing a green band around the icons indicate a working station.  If you click on the “crop” box n the Overlays on the left you can see a legend to the map.  Click on a weather station’s icons to show a graph of weather conditions (leaf wetness, air temperature, soil temperature and soil moisture) for the past 7 days and a table of current and past weather conditions. You can also download the past weather data using the “Export” link on the graph page.   The mummy berry and Botrytis icons show conditions in the past 24 hours if there has been disease.  A frost icon is planned for the near future.

If you have any questions, please contact me at sannis@maine.edu or on the blueberry hotline (1-800-897-0757) extension 3 for disease issues.

Field Frost in morning of May 28
Waldoboro none​, lowest temp 38F​
West Rockport none​, lowest temp 44F​
Appleton/ Hope close? , lowest temp.  32.9F
Searsport station down
Ellsworth ​maybe, ​lowest temp 33F
Bluehill 40 min
Aurora n​one, lowest temp 36F​
Eastbrook ​maybe, ​lowest temp 33F
Deblois 2hr
Columbia 1hr
Montegail 2hr
BBHF, Jonesboro none​, lowest temp 38F​
East Machias 1.5hr
Crawford 1hr
Cooper 2.5hr