6.13.19 End of Botrytis Risk in Most Fields

It looks like there was little Botrytis risk overall during most of bloom period in most fields.   As most fields are in full bloom or close to it, there is little risk of further infection that would severely affect bloom.   Of the wet periods we have had in June, only two produced a  risk for Botrytis infection.  From June 6 to 7th, there was minimal to low risk of Botrytis infection in some fields.  In this last wet period from June 11th to June 12th, there was low to moderate risk of Botrytis infection in some fields, but most of these fields are at or close to full bloom so there likely little impact on bloom.   If a flower gets infected at this point, it is going to be falling off soon anyways and will the infection will not have a chance to spread to new opening flowers.   Please see below for the risk in each field with a weather station.

You may be seeing dead flowers in your field, but please check for the characteristic black hairs of Botrytis.  Most of the dead flowers we have observed in our ratings were due to mummy berry this year.  Please contact me if you have any questions. Seanna Annis


Field Possible risk for Botrytis rain ending June 6/7th Possible risk for Botrytis, rain ending June 12th
Waldoboro low moderate
West Rockport low low
Appleton/ Hope low moderate
Searsport low high
Ellsworth low low
Bluehill low low
Aurora minimal minimal
Eastbrook low minimal
Deblois none minimal
Columbia minimal minimal
Montegail low minimal
BBHF, Jonesboro none none
East Machias minimal low
Crawford none moderate
Cooper – weather station reporting poorly ? moderate?