Mummy berry season is starting early this year!
My field crew visited midcoast fields where we have mummy berry plots and weather stations. The farthest along flower buds were at F2 and leaf buds were at V2. Single pinheads were found in Waldoboro, West Rockport and Searsport fields. No pinheads were found in mummy berry plots in Warren and Hope but I expect they are starting there too. I suspect by early next week we will start to see cups in some fields in the midcoast. My crew is going Downeast to visit fields on Thursday and I will pass along what they find.
Please let me know what is happening to your plants and mummy berry plots. Reports from more fields means I can produce a better mummy berry forecast. Please contact me on the blueberry hotline , 1-800-897-0757 option 3 , call me at 207-581-2621 or my cell. You can also reach me by email at
Seanna Annis