Author: sannis

5.06.19 Mummy Berry Infection period, May 7 to May 8 & May 4 to May 6

Mummy berry infection periods were possible in some fields over the weekend.  Please see table below for fields in your area. Cups are still present in fields across the Midcoast and Washington counties.  There has been  a lot of variability in bud development reported.  Most fields are likely at the susceptible stage, but you should […]

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5.03.19 Mummy Berry Infection period, May 3 to May 4

Weather conditions for a mummy berry infection period were reported in all fields with weather stations.  Cups are present in fields across the Midcoast and Washington counties.  Most fields are reported to be at the susceptible stage, but you should check your field. If you have applied a fungicide in the past 7 days before […]

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5.01.19 Mummy Berry Infection periods Overnight, May 1 to May 2

There were infection periods across blueberry growing regions in Midcoast and Downeast overnight.  Most growers with mummy berry plots in these regions have reported cups in their fields.   Many have reported their plants are at 30 to 40% F2, but some fields were not at that stage yet.  Please check your plants. If you have […]

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5.01.19 Possible Future Mummy Berry Infection, Later this Week – May 1

Midcoast I have reports of Monilinia apothecia (cups) in Waldoboro, Liberty, Appleton and Searsport.  Plants are reported to be in many fields at 40% F2 or more. Downeast- Hancock and Washington county I have reports of apothecia in Ellsworth, Jonesboro, Whiting and Crawford.   Plants are more variable with buds at BBHF in Jonesboro at […]

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4.26.19 Possible Infection period in Midcoast region, April 26 to April 27

Midcoast area Monilinia cups (apothecia) have been reported in Waldoboro, and Appleton areas. There have been conditions for an infection period from Friday April 26th to Saturday April 27th with this wet weather continuing today.  Whether an infection period occurred in your field will be determined by the stage of your plants.  If they are […]

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4.26.19 Possible Mummy berry Infection Period, Waldoboro – April 26

There has been a possible infection period overnight starting at April 25, 2019 at 7:50pm in the Waldoboro area.   Some cups were reported in this area.  Whether there is infection in nearby fields will be determined by the stage of the plants.  Please check your plants.  If they are at 30 to 40% F2 or […]

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4.24.19 Mummy Berry Season is Starting for 2019

We have reports of pinheads to small apothecia (cups) of the Monilinia fungus in Waldoboro, West Rockport and Ellsworth.  The plants are getting very close too and likely will be at the susceptible stage of 30 to 40%  F2 (crown stage) flower buds very soon.  There is rain forecast for Friday, and this may cause […]

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5.05.18 Mummy Berry Season Probably Over for 2018

The last reports I had of new cups and pinheads was last Tuesday in Whiting/East Machias and most places reported no new pinheads or drying up cups later in the week through the barrens.  I think with the warm weather we have had after the weekend we are probably finished with mummy berry infection this […]

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5.16.18 Mummy Berry Infection period, May 16 to May 17

Midcoast Region: Knox, Waldo and York Counties All reports are the cups are dried up in this area. Hancock County North Ellsworth and Aurora did not have any cups.  There may still be cups in the  Franklin area.  If you have a late field, you may have experienced an infection period. Downeast Cups are drying […]

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