Knox-Lincoln 4-H Newsletter–January 2022
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Upcoming Events and Important Dates
January 11 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, Extension office, Waldoboro, and Zoom
January 19 Cabin Fever Series for Volunteers, session 1, 6:30-8:30pm, online
January 31 Oxton Trust Applications due
February 1 ESE Goat & Dairy Intent to Participate forms due (see article in State News)
February 8 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, Extension office, Waldoboro, and Zoom
February 16 Cabin Fever Series for Volunteers, session 2, 6:30-8:30pm, online
March 5 Knox-Lincoln 4-H Public Speaking Tournament, 1-4pm, Extension office, Waldoboro
March 16 Cabin Fever Series for Volunteers, session 3, 6:30-8:30pm, online
January Birthday
Happy Birthday to Adam E.!
Are Your Enrollment Forms Overdue?
If you have missed the December 15 deadline, please return your 4-H member or volunteer re-enrollment packets to this office ASAP. Most re-enrollment packets were sent to club leaders, but a few were mailed directly to families this year. Please remember to ADD POSTAGE to the envelope provided. You may also drop off your paperwork in person Monday through Friday, 8-4 pm (closed for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1/17).
Oxton Trust Applications Due January 31 for All of 2022
Through the generosity and foresight of Robert Oxton, the Oxton Trust Fund was established to support
4-H youth development programs and activities in Knox and Lincoln Counties. The funds are available annually. Clubs, volunteers and members should anticipate what funds they expect to request for the entire 2022 calendar year and submit an application for funds to the Oxton Trust Committee by January 31, 2022.
If a club, volunteer, or member discovers a need for funds at a later date in 2022, a special meeting of the committee can be called, and an application considered at any time. Funds available for mid-year requests, however, may be more limited.
Grants may be awarded for 4-H youth development programs and projects falling into one of the following areas: leadership, youth development and special programs. Applications can be submitted by
4-H staff, volunteers or members enrolled in the Knox and Lincoln Counties 4-H program. Download the Oxton Trust application form or request a printed copy at the Knox-Lincoln Extension office.
Save the Dates for 2022 4-H Public Speaking!
This year it’s in person! If it is safe to do so, the Knox-Lincoln 4-H Public Speaking Tournament will be held on Saturday, March 5 from 1-4pm at the Knox-Lincoln Extension office. Resources for helping you prepare a talk can be found here. Stay tuned for registration information. The Maine State 4-H Public Speaking Tournament is scheduled for April 9, 2022.
New Impromptu Category at State Public Speaking Tournament
The Maine 4-H Public Speaking Committee is pleased to announce a new category at the State Tournament in April 2022! Impromptu is a fun and exciting category that gives participants the opportunity to practice off-the-cuff presentations. Youth will be given three topics to choose from and then have several minutes to prepare a short presentation for an audience. For this year, Impromptu will be a non-scored category. However, participants can expect to receive feedback from judges and peers. Youth who participate in the Maine 4-H Public Speaking Tournament will also be able to participate in the Impromptu category as a bonus opportunity.
State 4-H Office Core Newsletter
4-H Volunteers SAVE THE DATES!
January 19, February 16, March 16—6:30-8:30 pm
This year’s Cabin Fever Series for 4-H Volunteers is combining efforts with other states in the Northeast region! The following three topics will be featured in virtual workshops this winter:
- re-engaging and motivating youth
- designing captivating and fun activities
- expanding possibilities for youth to broaden their world
These workshops will offer a great chance to learn something new, brush up on your skills and connect with 4-H volunteers from across the Northeast! Mark your calendars to save the dates and look for more information in January! Hope to see you there!
New Maine 4-H Virtual Learning Hub
Maine 4-H Virtual Learning is a hands-on, virtual learning program for youth ages 5-18. Workshops will be organized by age and topic. Topics include engineering, science, animals and agriculture, teen leadership, and more. Workshops will range from single-time events to short-term programs (typically four to six sessions). Participants will engage in hands-on activities, interact with other 4-Hers, and be positive adult role models. No prior experience with 4-H is required to participate. This is a great way for those who are interested to learn more about 4-H.
Check out the upcoming 4-H Virtual Learning Programs we have planned in the coming months: Visit the Upcoming Events: Statewide Virtual Offerings for 2021-2022 page.
Learn which virtual event registrations are open: Visit the Open Registrations page.
Interested in becoming a Volunteer Presenter? Visit the Become a Volunteer Presenter page for more information and to complete an interest form.
Read what 4-H Parents, Youth, and Teachers have to say about these 4-H Virtual Learning offerings: Visit the 4-H Parents, Youth, Teachers: Stories and Testimonials page.
Maine 4-H ESE Goat, Dairy, and Beef Intent Forms Are Now Available
The 2022 Maine 4-H Goat Eastern States intent to participate form is available online. In order to be eligible for participation on the Maine 4-H Goat Eastern States Team this fall, 4-H members must complete the online intent form or mail a hard copy of the intent form to the Waldo County Cooperative Extension office before February 1, 2022.
The 2022 Maine 4-H Dairy Eastern States intent to participate form is available online. In order to be eligible for participation on the Maine 4-H Dairy Eastern States Team this fall, 4-H members must submit their completed intent form to the Waldo County office before February 1, 2022.
The 2022 Maine 4-H Beef Eastern States intent to participate form is now available online. This is a requirement for all youth intending to participate as members of the 4-H Beef Team at the Eastern States Exposition in September.
Please contact Sadee Mehuren at or 207.342.5971 with any questions.
4-H Pitch Project
The Youth Trustees have established a fund to support young entrepreneurs in 4-H. Pitch us your idea for a business and we may fund the start-up idea. Check out the 4-H Pitch project on the Maine 4-H Foundation website.
Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF)
Exciting news! We are now planning for an in-person CWF 2022! Many things are changing within the programming schedule and event place. As some of you know the National 4-H Center has been sold or is in the process. Therefore, CWF will no longer be held there but will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Bethesda, Maryland. This event center is not far from where we previously have been, but we will forever miss our own 4-H Center.
In 2020, CWF was canceled due to the pandemic, and the 2021 program was held virtually. We are in the process of contacting delegates who missed out on the trip in 2020 to determine their interest and eligibility to attend in 2022. Once those have been finalized, we will open up the list to “fill the bus.” All delegates must be currently enrolled and between 14-18 years old as of January 1, 2022.
The total cost for this year’s trip will be available very shortly. A note will be going out to your local office with all information. Please note that we will be on a short time frame to get delegate information in. The date that has been reserved is June 25-July 1, 2022. As always in today’s world, all plans are Covid-sensitive. As the true 4-Hers that we are, we adapt! If you have questions, please feel free to email Heidi Palmer, State Activities Coordinator at:
2022 4-H National Trip Interviews
As in the past, we will be holding interviews for National Trips in the early spring. National Trips webpage is currently being updated to work towards that same schedule with a date to be announced very soon. At this time, we will be interviewing for National Congress in 2022 and National Conference in 2023. National Conference 2022 will be held March 20-24, 2022 and is currently still being reviewed within our state guidelines due to the evolving Covid travel situation. Information will be shared as it becomes available. If you have questions. Please feel free to email Heidi Palmer, State Activities Coordinator at:
Light Up the Night: Maine 4-H STEM Toolkit of the Month
Each month we will be highlighting a different 4-H STEM Toolkit available from UMaine Cooperative Extension 4-H Program! Developed by the Boston Museum of Science, Light Up the Night is a hands-on engineering adventure for youth in grades 3-5! In this unit, after experimenting with circuits and sculpting materials, kids will design a light display that replicates the Northern Lights. The activities are fun and engaging with well-developed resources and an immersive storyline. Comprehensive facilitator resources make planning and preparation easy.
Learn more about this, and other 4-H STEM Toolkits online, where you can see what is available for different age groups or topic areas.
Maine 4-H Foundation Post-Secondary Scholarships
The Maine 4-H Foundation is pleased to announce post-secondary scholarships available to 4-H members. They range in value from $1,000 to $2,500. Donors from around the state have been very generous in supporting our 4-H seniors as they pursue their dreams and aspirations. Scholarship application due March 1, 2022 to your county office.
Virtual 4-H Dog SPIN Club!
A new, statewide 4-H Dog SPIN (SPecial INterest) Club will be starting on January 22 at 9 am and will continue monthly on Saturdays. This club will meet virtually over zoom and will focus on all things dog. This short-term club is open to anyone (humans) in the state of Maine ages 9-18. A dog is NOT required to participate. We are also looking for adult volunteers who are interested in helping out with this club. You do not need to be knowledgeable about dogs, just willing to help.
Find more information on the Virtual 4-H Dog SPIN Club online, or contact Emily Mott at or 207.942.7396.
All About Maine Trees! 
This virtual SPIN club for all youth ages 9-16 will meet the Mondays of January 24, 31, and February 7, 14, and Tuesday February 22. 4:30pm. The program also includes an optional in-person Maple workshop day on Saturday, February 26 in Greenwood. We will learn about tree ages and characteristics, practice tree identification, explore the versatility of trees, careers involved with forests, and learn about tapping maple trees for syrup. Youth will receive kits in the mail for accompanying hands-on activities including tree ring counting, tree cookie ornaments, tree identification books, maple candies, and maple syrup thickness and taste samples. Register for All About Maine Trees by January 12 . Please contact for questions.
4-H Service Innovative Education, and Philanthropy Grants
The Norma Hardison Fund has been created to support 4-H club special projects. 4-H Club Creativity Grant application ideas should tie into the 4-H program priorities for Maine, including club and community learning projects, philanthropic projects that engage members in the community supporting 4-H program work, and/or new creative educational ideas. Funds can be requested for amounts up to $200; on a rare occasion, the grant request may be considered for more than $200. Sponsor: Maine 4-H Foundation Youth Trustees in Philanthropy.
Other grant application ideas should tie into the 4-H program priorities for Maine including club and community service learning projects, philanthropic projects that engage members in the community supporting 4-H program work, and/or new creative educational ideas. Funds can be requested for amounts from $100 to $500; on a rare occasion, the grant request may be considered for more than $500. Submit the Maine 4-H Foundation Youth Trustees in Philanthropy application form here.