Washington County 4-H Youth Development

4-H is the youth development education program of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.   4-H is the largest youth organization in the world!  Any youth ages 5-18 can participate in “learn by doing” projects.  There are a number of ways for youth to participate in 4-H including club programming, school enrichment programs, camps, creating individual projects, and many other activities.

4-H youth can

  • develop leadership skills
  • participate in a community service project
  • learn about science, from animals to aerospace
  • travel to attend national youth events
  • learn many useful skills such as computers, managing money, sewing, cooking, animal care, or starting a business


How To Get Involved


A 4-H club is comprised of youth members, led by an adult, with a planned program that is carried on throughout all or most of the year. 4-H Clubs may meet in any location and typically have elected youth officers and a set of rules approved by the membership to govern the club. 4-H Clubs can focus on any topic ranging from arts and crafts to raising animals and everything in between. 4-H Clubs are eligible to participate in any county, state, and nationwide 4-H events throughout the year including but not limited to Speak UP Maine 4-H, Showcase Your Spark!, Washington County 4-H Photo Contest, Washington County Fair, 4-H@UMaine, Maine 4-H Days, national conferences, and more!! Find a 4-H Club for you.

Special Interest/Short-Term Programs

We offer SPIN (SPecial INterest) clubs and projects. These short-term programs are led by staff and/or volunteers and are designed for youth to learn a selected topic or skill of interest. These groups meet for a specific amount of time (usually 4-6 times) and topics vary according to the volunteer’s expertise, and may include but are not limited to: the natural world, science and technology, photography gardening, and more! These clubs are becoming increasingly popular as they tend to accommodate busy family schedules and target youth interests. You are not necessarily required to join 4-H as a full member to participate in these short-term programs, although full membership makes you eligible to participate in any county, state, and nationwide 4-H events throughout the year. These special interest programs can be held in locations such as but not limited to afterschool programs, area organizations, and the Extension Office. 


Independent 4-H members are typically working on a 4-H project at home, at school, or after school. They are mentored by parents and/or a 4-H Volunteer. This option offers flexibility and independence since youth are not required to meet in a club setting. Independents are eligible to participate in any county, state, and nationwide 4-H events throughout the year.

Independent membership is a great choice for youth who do not have the option to join a club (due to distance, interest, etc) but who still want to participate in county and statewide 4-H events and programs.

Camp and Learning Centers

There are four 4-H Camp & Learning Centers in Maine: Bryant PondTanglewoodBlueberry Cove, and Greenland Point. Greenland Point is located in Princeton, right here in Washington County! You do not need to be enrolled in Washington County 4-H to attend camp, but scholarships are available for enrolled 4-H youth to attend camp in the summer!


If you are an adult interested in sharing your passion for a topic or skill, consider volunteering with 4-H!  Find out how to become a 4-H volunteer!


For more information about the Washington County 4-H Program, please contact the Extension Office at 1.800.287.1542 (in Maine) or 207.255.3345 or by email at extension.washington@maine.edu.