Possible Monilinia infection period in southern fields April 22 to April 23
The weather stations at Waldoboro and W. Rockport recorded rainr that could produce an infection period from Saturday night around 7:30pm to Sunday morning about 7:30am. At all of the other weather stations, the temperature was too cold or the rain was not long enough to cause infection. The buds are developing rapidly and some clones were at F3 earlier last week. Pinheads and cups were found in Appleton on Thursday last week so I expect they are also producing in the areas around Waldoboro and W. Rockport.
We have also found pinheads at Blueberry Hill Farm in Jonesboro and pinheads and cups in Whiting. Please check your mummy berry plots and plants and tell me what you find.
Applying fungicides before infection periods is the safest way to ensure your plants are protected. If you have not already applied fungicide for mummy berry control and your field had an infection period, you can apply propiconazole and fenbuconazole which have some kick-back activity to slow down infections of Monilinia. You have approximately 72 hours from the start of the infection period to apply these materials. For this last infection period, you would have until approximately Tuesday afternoon to apply fungicides.
Recommended fungicides that have been tested for mummy berry control are found in the 2023 Fungicide chart