Author: sannis

Botrytis risk May 20th to 24th and cold temperatures May 24th

Some fields had conditions for Botrytis infections over the last weekend from May 20th to May 24th.   If your field already had Botrytis disease before this weekend, then there was a chance of more Botrytis infection occurring under these weather conditions.  If you did not have any visible disease, then the risk of infection was […]

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Time to look for symptoms of Mummy berry and Botrytis flower blight

Mummy berry infections are finished in most areas in Maine since the mummy berry cups have dried up and are no longer producing spores.  If you have a very late developing field you may have some chance of infection if there are still cups in your field. We are starting to see symptoms of mummy […]

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Monilinia infection periods of May 10th to May 11th

Active mummy berry cups were still present at the end of last week in Searsport and Downeast locations.  The cups do seem to be starting to dry up in most fields as of Tuesday May 11th but I think there were still active cups in fields.  The rain from the last few days (May 10 […]

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Monilinia infection periods in all weather station fields May 5 to 6th

In all fields with weather stations, there were weather conditions for Monilinia infection from May 5th to May 6th (see table below).  Active Monilinia cups were seen in West Rockport, Appleton, and Searsport yesterday and in barren fields today.   The mummy berry cups are probably still present and active in most blueberry areas. There is […]

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Monilinia infection some locations May 4 to 5th

Monilinia infection conditions were likely present in many fields (see table below).   Monilinia cups are still around fields in the Midcoast areas and Downeast but we may be getting near the end in the Midcoast.  Please check your mummy berry plots if you are in those areas and let me know how your plots are […]

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Monilinia infection at all weather stations fall April 2021

There were Monilinia infection conditions detected in fields  where we have a weather station across blueberry growing areas in Midcoast and Downeast.  I suspect there are Monilinia cups in all of these fields,  and the plants are susceptible. Most infection periods started in the evening of Thursday April 29th and continued through the night and […]

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Monilinia infection April 27 or 28 in Midcoast and Hancock

I have reports of Monilinia cups and pinheads in Midcoast, Hancock and Washington county fields.  The reports are the plants in these areas are at F2 or beyond.   I think  Monilinia cups are present and plants are susceptible in most blueberry fields except the latest developing fields.  There were conditions for Monilinia infection in fields […]

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Possible Mummy berry infection April 25th to April 26th

Most blueberry fields with weather stations had conditions for a Monilinia infection period from the afternoon of Sunday April 25th to the morning of April 26th.  If you had an infection period in your field depends upon whether the plants were at 30 to 40% crown stage and if there were mummy berry cups present.  […]

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Possible Mummy berry infection April 21 to 22nd, 2021

Midcoast and Hancock There was a possible Monilinia infection period from the evening of  Tuesday April 20th or 21st through to the morning of April 22nd.  This would only occur in earlier fields where the plants were at 30 to 40% F2 or farther along and also had mummy berry cups present.  Most reports from […]

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