Wild Blueberry Blog

Possible Monilinia infection period in southern fields April 22 to April 23

The weather stations at Waldoboro and W. Rockport recorded rainr that could produce an infection period from Saturday night around 7:30pm to Sunday morning about 7:30am.  At all of the other weather stations, the temperature was too cold or the rain was not long enough to cause infection.  The buds are developing rapidly and some […]

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Mummy berry season will be starting soon April 18, 2023

The flower buds have moved along quickly with the warm weather we have had over the past few days.  I have reports of flowers at F2 to some early clones at F3 stage in both the midcoast and downeast. I have no reports of Monilinia pinheads or cups from midcoast or downeast yet.  I expect […]

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Cold temperatures during night from May 24th to May 25, 2022

Cold temperatures were recorded at weather stations in Ellsworth, Eastbrook, Steuben, and Deblois.  Temperatures were below 35 F from about 11pm to 6am over the night of May 24th to May 25th.  Temperatures below 32 were present for 2 to 5 hours.  The weather stations did not record temperatures below 28F at any of the […]

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Monilinia infections from May 3 to May 5th 2022

Midcoast Monilinia cups are still present in the fields as of Monday May 2nd.  Some cups were starting to dry up but they were still active cups present.  Plants are still susceptible in all of the fields.  In Waldoboro, many flowers were close to opening, and there were some open flowers. Downeast Monilinia cups were […]

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Monilinia infection April 27th to April 28th

There was another infection event in all weather stations fields which are working except in Warren.  I suspect most fields with over 30% F2 or higher flower buds did experience conditions for another infection event starting in the afternoon to the evening of April 27th to sometime on April 28th. If you applied fungicides after […]

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Monilinia infections April 26, 2022

Most fields have susceptible bud stages with over 30% F2. Most fields in the Midcoast are moving into F3 and F4 flower buds. Downeast fields are mostly over 40% F2 and some have about half their buds at F3. There are some later fields along the east coast or up near Hwy 9 (Airline) which […]

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Mummy berry report for Friday April 22, 2022

Midcoast Fields in Waldoboro, Warren, West Rockport, Hope and Searsport had more than 30% F2 (crown stage) flower buds.  Cups and pinheads were seen in Waldoboro, Warren, West Rockport and Searsport and are expected to be in most fields in this area.  Please check your fields.  Most fields, unless they are a late field, are […]

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Possible mummy berry infection in midcoast region April 19, 2022

Midcoast Plants were at approximately 20 to 30% depending upon the field, Waldoboro, Warren, Hope, and Searsport on Sunday April 17th. Monilinia cups producing infective spores were present in two fields that were checked on Monday and present in 4 out of 5 fields checked today.   The wet conditions on Tuesday  April 19th starting approximately […]

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