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Winter BOW: February 5th 2022

Winter is just around the corner and with that, February will soon be here! The Winter Becoming an Outdoors Woman program is just the thing to shake off that cabin fever, and get outdoors to enjoy all of the amazing things winter in Maine can offer! This one-day program offers you two extended blocks to allow for more hands-on skill-building and enjoyment while appreciating a multitude of health benefits.  We look forward to you joining us for a day of adventure and learning at Bryant Pond! All of our workshops are taught in a very “ hands-on” way, focusing on the needs of the learner, and are open to all participants 18 years of age and older.

Your day starts at 9 am and will wrap up by 5 pm.  Lunch will be served between 12 and 1 pm.  Participants can choose one activity for each of the two sessions.  Sessions are rated by physical exertion levels.  (L, M & S) L= little physical exertion, M= moderate & S= strenuous.  Please keep these ratings in mind as you make your selections.

As our commitment to ensuring all of our participant’s safety we will limit attendance to 50 and will be following all state guidelines for social distancing. We will be following all policies and guidance from the University of Maine, including spacing and face coverings while indoors, and we’ll have hand sanitizer stations available

Fee for participation: $95.00

Program Date: February 5th, 2022 with a  snow date of February 6th, 2022


Register Online:  

* Session is full, please consider the  SustainME program

Registration Information
Winter Bow 2022 Program Descriptions
Winter BOW Health screening tips


Session I : 9 am to 12

Fly Tying (L)
Pistol / Handgun Shooting (L)
Snowshoeing/ Wildlife Tracking (M)
Winter Camping 101 (L)
Ice Fishing (L)

Session II : 1 pm to 4:30 pm

Climbing Wall (L)
Shotgun Shooting skills (M)
Campfire Cooking (L)
Intro to Snowmobiling (L)
Ice Fishing (L)
Snowshoeing/ Wildlife Tracking (M)  (New session added 12/17/2021)

Winter BOW weekend two participants ice fishing

Program Descriptions

Shotgun shooting skills:  Breaking clays over fresh snow is a great way to spend the day! We’ll work on safe gun handling and basic shotgunning and then we’ll take it to the sporting clays range for some high-flying clay target shooting! Learn proper stance, follow-through, and point and shoot techniques from certified instructors, and have a chance to shoot different types of 12 and 20 gauge shotguns. Ear and eye protection are supplied.

Pistol/Handgun Shooting:  In this workshop, we’ll cover handgun safety and safe shooting practices. Pistol shooting is growing in popularity and was recently added as a 4-H Shooting Sports discipline in Maine. You’ll spend time covering the basics with plenty of range time and a chance to discuss firearms safety in the home or vehicle.

Snowshoeing-Wildlife Tracking:  There’s nothing better than hitting the powder on snowshoes in the Maine woods in February! But once you’ve begun your journey, you soon realize that other living creatures have already been there…What crossed my path? Who was here before me? What does that mark in the snow reveal? Learn tracking and wildlife identification along the way, and see some amazing forest features too. Bring the camera, because you may just catch a glimpse of just who left those tracks ahead!

Snowmobiling:  Learn the basics of snowmobile travel and soon you’ll be riding on our course designed to challenge new riders. The workshop will include proper layering and outerwear for long trips on a snow machine. Our instructors will cover snowmobile safety, emergency preparedness, and basic operation…along with plenty of time to ride on various terrain.

Introduction to Ice Fishing:  Learn the basics of ice fishing. Learn how to use a power auger, set traps, and use different types of fishing equipment, and most importantly how to hook and catch a fish! You’ll also learn fish I.D. and bait selection. There will be plenty of time to try different equipment and learn specific tactics for catching fish. This year, we’ll actually be cooking lunch right there on the ice, because let’s face it, eating is the best part of fishing on the ice! (Heated ice shacks provided.)

Winter Camping 101: Camping is one of our favorite pastimes, but in winter, there are several things to consider to be comfortable and safe. In this workshop, we’ll focus on gear and equipment, meal planning, and how to stay warm and dry. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have the confidence to pack your backpack for an overnight stay in the Maine woods!

Campfire Cooking: Have you ever tried getting that smoky fire-cooked taste, only to wind up with a charred mess? In this class, we will teach you the art of fire cooking. We will introduce cooking directly in the coals with foil, dutch ovens, and cast iron skillets. This primitive backcountry skill isn’t quite as hard as it may seem; with the right direction from our experienced teachers you will be baking up some tasty cobbler or stew in no time!

Climbing Wall:  Whether it’s your first time at an indoor rock-climbing wall or you’re an old pro, let our trained staff belay you up to our 35’ wall! We’ll cover gear, safety basics, and different techniques to give you the best advantage at tackling this vertical challenge. All the equipment is provided. However, if you have climbing shoes feel free to bring them, all other equipment used must be ours.

Fly Tying: Spring is just around the corner…and that means fly fishing! Let us show you how to tie a fly that is guaranteed to catch fish! You’ll have a chance to tie several flies of your own and learn a bit about fishing for Brook Trout and salmon as well.