Rock Hounds (ages 12-14)

camper digs up a piece of quartzRock Hounds is for the budding geologist interested in an exciting look into Maine’s mineralogy and natural history! Campers will spend their week searching for rare specimens of Maine gemstones, crystals, and minerals in our sluiceway provided by a local mine. We’ll explore the rock cycle and glacial history of our region. A hike on Mt. Christopher will provide campers with examples of glacial formations on the mountainous landscape. Campers will also enjoy learning map and compass and GPS skills as we explore geocaching. The week also includes traditional camp activities like swimming, fire building, paddling, ecology, and of course making new friends!

Ages: 12-14

Program Dates:
Week #5 (7/20/25 – 7/25/25)

Cost: $735.00

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What to Bring List-  PDF WORD