Mainely Dish Recipe Video: Zucchini Bread

— By Alex Gayton, Nutrition Education Professional, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Zucchini is here and ready to stay for the summer! Whether you are buying zucchini from the grocery store, the farmers market, or growing it yourself, I think we are all going to need recipe ideas to use this delicious squash. Growing up, my mom always made baked goods with zucchini so I never thought it was a strange combination. My friends on the other hand were skeptical about having vegetables in baked goods. Unsurprisingly, they learned to love zucchini bread, muffins, cookies, you name it! 

Zucchini has a mild flavor which allows it to taste really good with ingredients such as cinnamon and chocolate, and it gives baked goods a great texture and moistness. I hope you love this recipe as much as I do!

Add these other zucchini recipes to your collection:

Visit our recipe website for the Zucchini Bread recipe and recipe video.