
wooden spoon next to a glass bottle of amber maple syrup

​​Make Mine REAL Maple Syrup!

There is no better way to celebrate the arrival of spring than to enjoy the true New England flavor of real maple syrup. Having grown up in Vermont, I have a true affinity for real maple syrup and cannot be fooled by substitutes. The arrival of maple cream, maple sugar candy, or maple syrup is […]

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Cheesy Lentil Casserole on a square white plate with a blue pot holder on the side

Mainely Dish: Cheesy Lentil and Rice Casserole

Craving a warm, comforting meal? The taste of this casserole will remind you of classic Hamburger Helper, but with the added benefit of being an excellent source of protein and being low in sodium. This vegetarian dish is versatile with the ability to swap in your favorite seasonings, broths, and cheeses. You could even add […]

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7 Ways to Be Active This Spring

With spring right around the corner and longer days, it’s almost time to break out your shorts and get moving again. Whether it’s planting a garden, going for a run, or taking a walk around your neighborhood, there are plenty of activities to keep you moving and active outside this spring. The Department of Health […]

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Red potato wedges on a plate with chives on the right side, and blue and white checkered towel on the left side

Mainely Dish: Red Potato Wedges

This five ingredient recipe is easy, delicious, and turns out perfectly crispy from the quick 20 minute baking time. The great thing about this recipe is that there is minimal prep work. Once you rinse the potatoes under cool running water, keep the skin on the potatoes, and then cut them into wedges or cubes […]

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Two yogurt fruit parfaits with raspberries and blueberries in clear jars

10 Heart Healthy Snacks

February is a month known for sweet treats, flowers, and hearts, so what better time to talk about heart healthy snacks. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute has developed resources to help you celebrate American Heart Month.  Heart healthy foods can help you prevent heart disease and are part of MyPlate recommendations. Foods like […]

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Black bean brownie with walnuts, chocolate chips, and raspberries on the side

Mainely Dish: Two-Bite Black Bean Brownies

I know what you might be thinking, beans and chocolate? I promise that if you give this recipe a chance you will be pleasantly surprised. This recipe is great for anyone with allergies or intolerances as well, it’s gluten-free, egg free, nut free, soy free, and dairy free! The only ingredients to be aware of […]

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Overhead view of strips of chopped vegetables on a board with a small dish of hummus and crackers

Super Bowl Food Safety

Blow the whistle to keep food safe! On February 13, my family will join millions of other Americans who watch Super Bowl LVI and feast on hot and cold snacks throughout the four-hour event. None of us are big football fans but we do like to be a part of this uniquely American entertainment tradition. […]

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Mainely Dish Recipe Video: Three Ingredient Granola

If you love granola in your yogurt, as a snack, or eaten with milk, I highly recommend this recipe. This will be one of the most simple granola recipes you will find – oats, brown sugar, and butter—that’s it! Making your own granola will help save money and control what ingredients are used. If you […]

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a row of colorful canned foods on a wooden shelf

11 Ways to Use Home Canned Foods

By Kate McCarty, Food Systems Professional, University of Maine Cooperative Extension Now that the calendar has turned to a new year, it’s time to make sure you’re on track to use up last season’s canned goods. Whether you’re a novice or veteran canner, it’s important to use your home canned goods within one year for […]

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Cutting Costs on Food Using the Unit Price Label

This blog post is a part of our “Ask EFNEP” series where members of UMaine Cooperative Extension’s Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) answer questions they are asked when delivering food and nutrition programs. This question was answered by Brenda Bracy and is part two of a two part series going over how to […]

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