Episode 9: Pain-Free Gardening

In this episode of Victory Garden for ME, learn about how to plan your day in the garden, proper stretching and lifting techniques, selecting ergonomic tools, adapting existing tools to improve their ergonomics, designing your garden to match your abilities, and much more!

Helpful Tips and Resources:

The Maine AgrAbility Project pages and The Maine AgrAbility Blog: Gotta Lotta Livin’ To Do, contain many additional resources related to this topic.  

The Maine AgrAbility Project has additional video information on specific topics covered in this more general resource.

 The experts in Orono at the UMaine Extension Plant Disease Diagnostic Lab have some advice on Tick Prevention when working outdoors and around the home.  

Tools suggestions, solutions and resources  and a bulletin on Accessible Gardening are available from Maine AgrAbility’s website.  

Maine AgrAbility also has a Pinterest Page with many of the “hack” that make gardening a little less painful.

And so to recap, keep these key points in mind:

  • Evaluate your tools–are they the right fit?
  • Organize your day and prioritize your activities
  • Stretch and change tasks frequently 
  • Use good practices when lifting, bending, and harvesting
  • And remember to always check for ticks at the end of the day.

More information is available on UMaine Cooperative Extension’s website and in the video description.  Please be sure to check out our next video on preparing your garden for winter!