Lesson 6 Quiz
(Lesson 6. Managing for a Year-Long Forage Supply continued)
1. What are the three grazing seasons In Maine? (Review the lesson material.)
2. When trying to maximize grazing time on pasture, what is the most critical management period? (Review the lesson material.)
3. True or False: Leaves feed the whole plant through photosynthesis. (Review the lesson material.)
4. True or False: When plant tops get grazed short, roots tend to grow deeper. (Review the lesson material.)
5. Name two (2) destocking approaches for summer pastures. (Review the lesson material.)
6. In a rotational grazing system, what are the four factors that you can control to maximize forage productivity from pastures? (Review the lesson material.)
7. What are you really managing in a rotational grazing system? (Review the lesson material.)
8. What are three alternative management strategies for summer forage? (Review the lesson material.)
9. What are two reasons why stockpiling cool-season grasses for fall forage generally is not a good option? (Review the lesson material.)
10. Name three ways legumes can benefit a pasture. (Review the lesson material.)