Sheep and Goats

goat producer with goat herd
Photo by Edwin Remsberg

Care of Young Stock Purchased Off Farm

Sheep / Goat Production Information

Photo by Edwin Remsberg

Sheep / Goat Health Information

Pasture and Crops for Sheep/ Goats

4-H Youth Program Information

Buildings and Equipment for Sheep / Goats

  • Sheep Housing and Equipment Handbook. This informative handbook includes Planning considerations; Barn types, placement, and layout; Manure management; Feed storage and handling; Treating and handling facilities; Equipment for raising orphan lambs; Needed utilities and construction materials. Also featured are a summary data chart, 19 tables, 110 figures, a glossary,  references, and a conversion chart for areas and volumes. 96 pp, 1994, Print Price $18.50 + handling or Download Price $11.00. MWPS
  • Hoop Barns for Horses, Sheep, Ratites, and Multiple Utilization: This booklet briefly discusses a variety of hoop barns as an efficient solution for raising horses, sheep, ostriches, and multiple uses like hay storage. The sheep section includes a design data summary; layout and an inside view of the market lamb barn. Multiple utilization includes illustration and dimensions of potential storage capabilities. 8 pages, 8 1/2 x 11, illus., download, 2004 Price $3.00. MWPS
  • Dr. Temple Grandin’s website, Livestock Behavior, Design of Facilities, and Humane Slaughter

Farm Taxes and Recordkeeping


USDA News and Standards

Sheep / Goat Quality Assurance Program

Sheep / Goat Related Organizations 

Health and Management Information (Maine)

University of Maine

Colt Knight, Assistant Professor of Extension – State Livestock Specialist, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, 5735 Hitchner Hall, Rm 133, Orono, Maine  04469. Tel: 207.581.2953, 800.287.0274 (in Maine). Email:

State Agencies

Michele Walsh, State Veterinarian, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. Tel: 207.287.7615. Email:

Carol Delaney, State Livestock Specialist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. Tel: 207.215.4968. Email:

Celeste Poulin, Director, Maine Department of Agriculture’s Division of Quality Assurance and Regulation. Tel: 207.287.3841. Email:

Note: Where trade names or company names are noted in this document, no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension is implied.