- 2017
- 2016
- Fall 2015
- Summer 2015
- Spring 2015
- Winter 2014
- Fall 2014
- Spring 2014
- Winter 2013
- Spring 2012
- Fall 2011
- Summer 2011
- Spring 2011
- Winter 2010
- Fall 2010
- Fall 2009
- Uncovering the Past Through Maine’s Historic Phenology Data
- Wading into intertidal phenology: Establishing a coastal monitoring program
- Improving assessment of critical habitat for Atlantic salmon in a rapidly changing climate
- Lost to Sea: Maine’s Ancient Coastal Heritage
Fall 2015
- Climate Update: Weather and Climate Review: June–November, 2015
- A Frozen Legacy Released: Chemical Pollutants in Meltwaters
Summer 2015
- Climate Update: Review of Maine’s 2014-2015 Winter Season
- Research Highlights: Exploring the limits of biological adaptation to climate change
Spring 2015
Winter 2014
Fall 2014
- Climate Highlights: Extreme Precipitation and Population: Maine in the Context of the Northeast
- Research Highlights: New England Lobster in a Changing Climate: Development of a Forecasting Tool for Habitat Suitability
Spring 2014
Winter 2013
- Winter 2013: An Introduction
- Climate Highlights: Climate Change and Bird Migration in Maine
- Research Highlights: Coastal Climate Adaptation in Maine’s Coastal Communities: Governance Mapping for Culvert Management, Winter 2013
Spring 2012
- Research Highlights: Coastal Climate Adaptation in Maine’s Coastal Communities: Governance Mapping for Culvert Management, Spring 2012
- Climate Highlights: Climate Change and Bird Migration in Maine
Fall 2011
Summer 2011
- Summer 2011: An introduction
- Research Highlights: Crop-Specific Water Requirements and Preserving Water Resources
- Climate Highlights: Climate Change and Agriculture in Maine
Spring 2011
- Spring 2011: An introduction
- Research Highlights: Does acid rain affect the seasonal changes of forest trees?
- Climate Highlights: Maine’s Climate Future: Ocean Acidification and Maine’s Seafood Supply
Winter 2010
- Fall 2009-Winter 2010: A Remarkable Season
- Research Highlights: Ice Sheets and Climate Change
- Climate Highlights from Around Maine: People and Nature Adapting to a Changing Climate: Charting Maine’s Course
Fall 2010
- How warm is warm? Or, how to know when warm is not so surprising…
- Research Highlights: What do Maine’s coastal communities need to safely weather more frequent and intense storms?
- Climate Highlights from Around Maine: Maine’s Climate Future: Coastal Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise