
Maine 4-H Offers Agriculture Symposium for Teens

Dates: April 18-19, 2022 Ages: 14-18 Location: University of Maine Orono You are invited to join Maine 4-H staff for the 4-H Agriculture Symposium, an immersive agriculture experience for Maine teens. The 4-H Agriculture Symposium is an overnight experience for Maine youth ages 14-18. Participants will take part in hands-on learning opportunities, engage with industry professionals on […]

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2022 Intent Form for Maine 4-H ESE Equestrian Team Now Available

The 2022 Maine 4-H ESE Equestrian Team Tryouts intent to participate form is available online at In order to be eligible for participation, 4-H members must submit their intent forms by May 1st. Forms can be completed online or a hard copy of the form can be mailed to the Franklin County Cooperative Extension office. […]

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Photo of english muffin breakfast sandwich

EFNEP Recipe of the Month: Egg Bites!

The sound of songbirds, crocuses poking their heads out of the snow, vacation week, new calves, and lambs in the fields were all signs for me as a child to celebrate the beginning of Spring. It got me thinking of celebrating the beginning of the day and an EGGcellent recipe for breakfast, or anytime! Eggs […]

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ESE Approval Form Reminder

All 4-H members intending to exhibit a horse or dairy animal at Eastern States Exposition this fall must submit their 4-H animal approval form, as well as their accompanying lease forms and health documents, to their county Cooperative Extension office by May 1st. Copies of 4-H approval and lease forms can be found online at […]

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Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)

EFNEP offers FREE nutrition education classes to income-eligible adults with children, or young adults 19-25 years old, and if you are eligible for programs such as SNAP, WIC, or Head Start. EFNEP offers the following class options for adults: Eating Smart, Being Active 9 lesson series with live virtual classes and short videos to watch […]

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4-H Virtual Food Science Club

Are you excited to learn new information about food? This five week virtual 4-H SPIN club has been developed to take complex topics and break them down to introduce students to the wonders of Food Science. We will be meeting each week to explain and experiment with five different food science topics that include; leavening […]

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Tidepool Immersion Discovery + Ecology Workshop Series

Explore the intertidal zone and help with marine science research! In this workshop, we will learn about animals you might find during low tide and use some amazing equipment to take awesome pictures on your phone to identify them. Along the way, we’ll learn about invasive species, climate change, species identification, and how you can […]

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Maine’s Mysterious Marshlands: Using eDNA to understand Climate Change

Are you interested in learning more about Maine’s changing climate? Salt marshes have the potential to lessen the impacts of increasing carbon dioxide in our atmosphere! Join University of Maine graduate student, Heather Richard, in exploring Maine’s salt marshes and learn more about how environmental DNA (eDNA) can help us to understand more about the […]

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The Maine App Challenge

Love technology? Here is a chance to put your passion to a purpose and win a scholarship along the way! The Maine App Challenge is an incredible opportunity for Maine middle school and high school students who are 13 years of age and older to create a mobile application with a chance to win a scholarship […]

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Public Speaking Workshops

Are you interested in learning more about giving a polished, interesting presentation? The Maine 4-H Communication Science Team members will be leading two workshops in February and March.  Workshops are designed to help 4-H members learn new Public Speaking skills and to prepare for the upcoming state Public Speaking Tournament in April. Workshops are open to […]

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