Community Central has gone batty!
Over the past few weeks, Community Central has been working with 3rd-grade students at McMahon Elementary School to learn all about bats!
While learning about bat habitats, students each colored a page of a mural without knowing what the full photo looked like! Each habitat needs four things: water, food, shelter and space.

Students have been learning about White Nose Syndrome and the impact it is having on bat populations, especially in New England. Scientists are studying rates of White Nose Syndrome and working to protect bat populations. Bats are essential to insect control and plant pollination.
This material is based upon the work of 4-H Community Central Maine, a project supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, United States (U.S.) Department of Agriculture, through a cooperative agreement with The University of Maine under award number 2014-41520-22235
General information about the CYFAR grant program can be accessed online on the Children, Youth and Families at Risk (CYFAR) page (USDA website).
For further information about the CYFAR-funded project highlighted in this publication, contact:
CYFAR Project Name: 4-H Community Central Maine
Principal Investigator: Kristy L Ouellette
Email Address:
Website: 4-H Community Central