Cudweed / Marsh Cudweed

A young cudweed plant growing in a new cranberry bedFamily: Asteraceae (Compositae) (Sunflower Family)

Genus: Gnaphalium | Species: uliginosum L.

Description: Common in newly-planted sandy cranberry beds; 4-30 in. high; flowerheads small (2 mm long), white, with yellow tuft, fragrant and clustered near the top; stems cottony; leaves narrow, straplike and woolly on both sides. Cudweeds, like the closely-related everlastings and pussytoes, contain a soothing antibiotic. Old-time dairy farmers found that feeding cudweed to a cow which had lost its cud helped to restore digestion. [annual]

Habitat: Dry prairies, fields, clearings;

In Bloom: July – November

A cudweed plant beside a U.S. penny for scale purposes A cudweed plant beside a U.S. penny for scale purposes