Straw-colored Flatsedge
Family: Cyperaceae (Sedge Family)
Genus: Cyperus | Species: strigosus
Description: This is a common and distinctive sedge, with underground rhizomes that have roots growing from them; grows to a height of about three ft.; individual plants live for upwards of two years; the leaves are flat or rolled in some at the edges, and they all attach to a point that is at or near the base of the plant; leaf sheathes lack hairs; the stem is somewhat triangular (“sedges have edges” as the saying goes). The seed head (inflorescence) is branching. [perennial]
Habitat: It’s common to find this sedge in wetlands and wet areas with sandy soil, such as along the shores of ponds, rivers and lakes, or in ditches. It does well in man-made or disturbed habitats, such as a newly-constructed cranberry bed.
Seeds Mature: Late August into September
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