Eastern States Exposition
What is the Eastern States Exposition 4-H Dog Program?
The Eastern States Exposition (ESE), commonly known as “The Big E,” is a regional 4-H dog show usually held during the last weekend of September. The show is held in West Springfield, Massachusetts at the Eastern States Exposition Fairgrounds. All participants MUST compete in Ice Breaker Games, Showmanship, Obedience, and take a mandatory quiz. Participants have the opportunity to participate on a quiz bowl team, in a fun agility class and in other game classes (these events may be required by the state or the show committee and participants must compete in them if requested). Participants may either compete with their dog or go as a steward, without a dog. Delegates who bring their dogs must be prepared to leave their dogs in crates in the Mallary Arena overnight while the participants stay in dorms. Stewards must come prepared to work in the rings on Saturday morning and all day Sunday and stay in the dorms at night. Participants are chosen to represent their state by their state’s selection process. Maine’s selection process can be found below. Also found below are pictures of Maine’s 2008 Eastern States Exposition Canine Team.
The featured do group in 2019 will be Sporting Dogs (33 breeds).
Eastern States Exposition Information and Forms
- 2020 Eastern States Exposition Intent to Participate Form: Word | PDF
- 2019 ESE Information (For Reference Purposes)
4-H Dog Packet (PDF)
4-H Dog Online Entry Form (Required for entry) (Google Form)
4-H Dog Steward Form (Google Form)
4-H Dog Study Guides
Previous ESE Qualifying Quizzes
2004: Word | PDF
2005: Word | PDF
Previous Eastern States Expositions