Photo Reference Collection:
- Barnyard Grass
- Birdsfoot Trefoil
- Bluets / Quaker Ladies
- Carpetweed
- Hop Clover
- White Clover
- Cinquefoil
- Creeping Yellow Cress
- Cudweed
- Dodder
- Dwarf St Johnswort
- Fireweed
- Wild Bean / Groundnut (Photo courtesy of David Fuller)
- Hair-cap Moss
- Hairy Williowweed
- Hawkweed
- Equisetum / Mare’s Tail (Central Maine: 6/1/2007)
- Maple Sapling
- Meadowsweet – June 10th 2019 (Washington County, ME)
- Meadowsweet (in bloom)
- Goldenrod
- Prostrate Spurge
- Tufted Vetch
- Sandspurry
- Small-flowered White Aster
- Smartweed / Ladysthumb (the dark spot on the leaves is thought to resemble a lady’s thumbprint)
- Smartweed / Ladysthumb (flowering)
- Speedwell
- Yellow Loosestrife (Washington County, Maine: July 14th, 2003)
- Water Purslane
- Small-flowered White Violet
- Yellow Wood Sorrel
Weed List (some of the weeds found on Maine cranberry beds):
- Asters: New York Aster | Small-Flowered White Aster
- Barnyard Grass
- Beggarstick / Pitchfork
- Birch Trees (Saplings)
- Birdsfoot Trefoil
- Bluets / Quaker Ladies
- Carpetweed
- Clovers: Hop Clover | White Clover
- Common Cinquefoil
- Cow Pea / Purple Vetch
- Creeping Yellow Cress
- Cudweed
- Dandelion
- Dodder (quite rare in Maine cranberry plantings)
- Dwarf St. Johnswort
- Equisetum (Mare’s Tail)
- Fireweed
- Groundnut / Wild Bean
- Hair-cap Moss
- Hairy Willowweed
- Hop Clover
- Horsetail or Mare’s Tail (equisetum)
- Ladysthumb / Smartweed
- Maple Trees (Saplings)
- Mare’s Tail (equisetum)
- Meadowsweet
- Narrow-leaved or Lance-leaved Goldenrod
- New York Aster
- Pitchfork / Beggarstick
- Prostrate Spurge
- Quaker Ladies / Bluets
- Sandspurry / Red Sandspurry
- Small-Flowered White Aster
- Smartweed / Ladysthumb
- Speedwell
- Straw-colored Flatsedge
- Swamp Candles / Yellow Loosestrife
- Tufted Vetch / Cow Vetch / Boreal Vetch
- Water Purslane
- White Clover
- White Violet / Lance-leaved Violet
- Wild Bean / Groundnut
- Willowherb / Willowweed
- Witchgrass
- Yellow Loosestrife / Swamp Candles
- Yellow Wood Sorrel
Additional Resources:
- Maine Wild Blueberry Weed Photos (Cranberries have many of the same weeds that wild blueberries have)
- Maine Cranberry IPM Guide (includes control recommendations)