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Garden and Yard
- #1053, GardenPro Answer Book
- Bulletin #1057, Skill and Knowledge Checklist for Greenhouse Growers
- #1125, Trickle Irrigation in the Eastern United States
- Bulletin #1143, Home Composting
- Bulletin #1159, How Compost Happens
- #2020, The Beekeeper’s Handbook, 5th Edition
- Bulletin #2021, Why Beekeeping in Maine Might Be a Suitable Enterprise for Persons with Disabilities
- Bulletin #2058, Flowering Crabapples for Maine
- Bulletin #2063, Growing Garlic in Maine
- Bulletin #2066, Growing Raspberries and Blackberries
- Bulletin #2067, Growing Strawberries
- Bulletin #2068, Growing Peaches in Maine
- Bulletin #2069, Growing Elderberries: A Production Manual and Enterprise Viability Guide For Vermont and The Northeast
- Bulletin #2071, Growing Asparagus in Maine
- Bulletin #2073, Growing Wild Blueberries in the Home Garden
- Bulletin #2076, Selecting Plants to Support Bees in Maine: Summary of the Bee Module Project
- Bulletin #2077, Growing Potatoes in the Home Garden
- #2078, Home Vegetable Gardening
- Bulletin #2154, Fertilizing a Home Lawn in Maine
- Bulletin #2160, Trickle Irrigation: Using and Conserving Water in the Home Garden
- Bulletin #2166, Steps to a Low-Input, Healthy Lawn
- Bulletin #2169, Pruning Woody Landscape Plants
- Bulletin #2172, Raspberry and Blackberry Varieties for Maine
- Bulletin #2184, Strawberry Varieties for Maine
- #2188, Pest Management for the Home Vegetable Garden in Maine
- Bulletin #2190, Vegetable Varieties for Maine Gardens
- Bulletin #2243, Maintaining a Home Lawn in Maine
- Bulletin #2253, Growing Highbush Blueberries
- Bulletin #2281, Know Your Soil: Lead in the Soil
- Bulletin #2282, Smart Gardener: A Learning Guide for Home Vegetable Growers
- Bulletin #2283, Tips for Purchasing Soil for Gardens and Landscape Projects
- Bulletin #2286, Know Your Soil: Testing Your Soil
- Bulletin #2287, Know Your Soil: Applying Fertilizers on Your Home Gardens
- Bulletin #2366, Selecting, Planting, and Caring for Trees and Shrubs in the Maine Landscape
- Bulletin #2367, Establishing a Home Lawn in Maine
- Bulletin #2409, Renovating Old Apple Trees
- Bulletin #2410, Plant Propagation in Maine
- Bulletin #2411, Planting and Early Care of Fruit Trees
- Bulletin #2419, Potato Facts: Producing Potatoes Organically in Maine
- #2422, Growing Fruit Trees in Maine, 2nd Edition
- Bulletin #2427, Tomato and Potato Late Blight Information for the Upcoming Growing Season: Recommended Practices Following a Season of Infestation
- Bulletin #2442, Vegetable Gardens and Septic Fields Don’t Mix
- Bulletin #2500, Gardening to Conserve Maine’s Native Landscape: Plants to Use and Plants to Avoid
- Bulletin #2510, Guidelines for Using Manure on Vegetable Gardens
- Bulletin #2512, Debunking Old Gardening Myths: Caring for the Woody Plants in Your Home Landscape
- Bulletin #2513, Pruning Forsythias in Maine
- Bulletin #2514, Growing Rhubarb in Maine
- Bulletin #2518, Best Practices for Plant Sale Donors and Buyers in Maine
- Bulletin #2536, Maine Invasive Plants: Invasive Plants Threaten Maine’s Natural Treasures
- Bulletin #2540, Non-Timber Forest Products: Goods from the Maine Woods: Ostrich Fern Fiddleheads, Matteuccia struthiopteris
- Bulletin #2541, Non-Timber Forest Products: Goods from the Maine Woods: Maine Balsam Fir: A Tree of Many Uses, Abies balsamea
- Bulletin #2550, European Fire Ant*: A New Invasive Insect in Maine
- Bulletin #2551, European Fire Ant: Management for Homeowners: Least Toxic Management Strategies
- Bulletin #2561, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Striped Maple or Moosewood (Acer pensylvanicum)
- Bulletin #2562, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Hazel Alder or Speckled Alder (Alnus incana ssp. rugosa)
- Bulletin #2563, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Shadblow Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis)
- Bulletin #2564, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Allegheny Serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis)
- Bulletin #2565, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Yellow Birch (Betula alleghaniensis)
- Bulletin #2566, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Sweet Birch (Betula lenta)
- Bulletin #2567, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Gray Birch (Betula populifolia)
- Bulletin #2568, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: American Hornbeam (Carpinus caroliniana)
- Bulletin #2569, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Pagoda Dogwood (Cornus alternifolia)
- Bulletin #2570, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Common Witch Hazel (Hamamelis virginiana)
- Bulletin #2571, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)
- Bulletin #2572, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Northern Bayberry (Myrica pensylvanica)
- Bulletin #2573, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Mountain Holly (Nemopanthus mucronatus)
- Bulletin #2574, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: American Hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana)
- Bulletin #2575, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Black Cherry (Prunus serotina)
- Bulletin #2576, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Common Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana)
- Bulletin #2577, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Rosebay Rhododendron (Rhododendron maximum)
- Bulletin #2578, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Smooth Sumac (Rhus glabra)
- Bulletin #2579, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Staghorn Sumac (Rhus typhina)
- Bulletin #2580, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: American Elder (Sambucus canadensis)
- Bulletin #2581, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Scarlet Elder (Sambucus racemosa var. pubens)
- Bulletin #2582, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Showy Mountain Ash (Sorbus decora)
- Bulletin #2583, Native Trees and Shrubs for Maine Landscapes: Nannyberry Viburnum (Viburnum lentago)
- Bulletin #2584, Hawkweed in Maine Lawns
- Bulletin #2585, Wild Parsnip: A Problem Plant in Need of Management in Maine
- Bulletin #2611, Tips for Growing Houseplants in Maine: Caring for Houseplants in Maine
- Bulletin #2612, Growing Houseplants in Maine: Dealing with Houseplant Problems
- Bulletin #2613, Tips for Growing Houseplants in Maine: Controlling Insects and Disease in Houseplants
- Bulletin #2614, Tips for Growing Houseplants in Maine: Growing Houseplants Under Artificial Lights in Maine
- Bulletin #2615, Tips for Growing Houseplants in Maine: Creating New Plants from Old Plants
- Bulletin #2616, Tips for Growing Houseplants in Maine: FAQs About Houseplants in Maine
- Bulletin #2701, Designing Your Landscape for Maine
- Bulletin #2702, Landscapes for Maine: Adding a Rain Garden to Your Landscape
- Bulletin #2750, An Introduction to Seed Saving for the Home Gardener
- Bulletin #2751, Starting Seeds at Home
- Bulletin #2752, Extending the Gardening Season
- Bulletin #2753, Managing Diseases in the Home Garden
- Bulletin #2754, Building an Accessible V-Bed Garden
- Bulletin #2761, Gardening in Small Spaces
- Bulletin #2762, Growing Vegetables in Container Gardens
- Bulletin #2763, Garden Equipment and Items to Make for the Maine Garden
- Bulletin #2765, Common Problems in Container Gardens
- Bulletin #4300, Steps to Organizing Your Community Garden
- Bulletin #4301, Food for Your Community: Gleaning and Sharing
- Bulletin #4302, Food Safety for Food-Pantry Donations
- Bulletin #4303, A Donor’s Guide to Vegetable Harvest
- Bulletin #4311, Planning and Managing a Community “Giving” Garden in Maine
- Bulletin #5059, Too Much Water or Not Enough Light?
- Bulletin #7036, How to Tap Maple Trees and Make Maple Syrup
- Bulletin #7039, Getting Geared Up for Maple Sugaring: Supplies and Equipment Needed for 1 to 50 Taps
- Bulletin #7040, Getting Geared Up for Maple Sugaring: Supplies and Equipment Needed for 50 to 500 Taps
- Bulletin #7078, Facts About Leaf Color in Maine
- Bulletin #7126, Wild Apple Trees for Wildlife
- #7150, Beneficial Insects and Spiders in Your Maine Backyard
- Bulletin #7151, Landscaping for Butterflies in Maine
- Bulletin #7153, Understanding Native Bees, the Great Pollinators: Enhancing Their Habitat in Maine
- Bulletin #7154, Managing Woodchucks on Your Maine Property